Vera's World Is A Small World <body>

Vera Elizabeth; 17 years old; Christian; Aussie; Germany's Biggest Fan;
Living The Life For Jesus;

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Just be patient, watch this space and something cool will day...
I promise

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Emily; Nikki; Hayley; Amber; Ozzie;
Photos From Germany; PostSecret;
Disaster MB; StarGirl; Y.F.U

The Past

May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
September 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
July 2007


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Friday, June 24, 2005

20th June 2005
Today I found out who I am getting placed with. I would say, but that is kind of dangerous, and it might invade their privacy, so, I am not going to.
But I have found out who I am staying with for the 11 or so months, and they sound great. I am really looking forward to going now, and I can't wait. I have already made email contact with the family, so I am happy about that too.

Yey, its all falling into place...

22nd June 2005
And today I found out where I am staying with my semi-permanent host family. They sound like great people too. I haven't contacted them, but I will soon.
I also found out that because I am the only student from Australia going to Germany I am travelling by myself. What a bummer! I land in Frankfurt then I get on a train to go to my semi-permanent host family.
It all sounds rather fun!
And I am getting really nervous and excited!


Vera was here at 3:39 PM

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Sunday, June 05, 2005

3rd June 2005
Today is my birthday, and I got the best possible birthday pressie ever!
I had a great day. My friends made me this great card, which was so cool. It was a really nice thought. Then Simone bought me 7 presents! She just kept on pulling them out of her bag. It was so funny! I was just like, enough already! But it was such a sweet thought.
Nikki bought me recess, it was a mars bar from the canteen. Originally she was going to buy me something out of the vending machine, but it never seems to be on anymore, so she just bought something else from the canteen.
I had woodwork, and this girl, who has been really mean to me recently, went completely off at me and called me some horrible stuff, like " you horrible sk**k" and "dirty sl*t", but the funny thing was that my teacher was right in front of her and got her in trouble. It was pretty funny. Hopefully she won’t be horrible to me again, but she might just want some revenge, so I am being wary. She was also being horrible to me during PE that morning, but I ignored it. Though, during woodwork I just wanted to cry, or, even better, punch her in the face then walk out of the class. But I didn’t.
Emily bought me lunch from the canteen, which was really nice! I couldn’t believe how nice all my friends were being.
I had to go to a debating meeting, which I said I didn’t want to go to, because it was my birthday, but my debating teacher said that if I came there would be a cake for me. And that if I didn’t come Simone would eat it ALL. So I came, and it was pretty fun, coz we didn’t do any work anyway.
Science was normal, and art was normal, but I like art anyway, so it was good. In case you were wondering, yes, Friday is my best day at school. Not every other day has all these electives and PE!
I walked home Emily’s way, because I waned to go up on the mountain on the way home. Nikki came with me, with much persuading as well. We went past Emily’s street, then went up on the mountain. As I was walking off, onto my street, I went up the street to my house and Nikki went down the street home. It was pretty cool.
I walked up to the letterbox and realised that there was quite a lot of stuff.
I had three letters, one addressed to me from my aunty, a birthday pressie, and two from the same person, at YFU!
One was an a4 size, the other half a4, but they were both pretty thick. I yelled at Nikki, who hadn’t yet got to the end of the street, and I was really happy. I didn’t really see what she did, but it was pretty cool!
I went inside and opened them, and it was my OFFICIAL ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE TO GERMANY!
I am definitely going to Germany. I have even been given departure details. I know when I ma going, and how and everything!
Yey, what a great birthday present.
I went out to dinner, then we went shopping. I started to feel really sick.
I woke up the next day and felt really sick. I couldn’t feel my head, it was spinning around and I couldn’t breathe properly, but I still played two games of hockey. I spent the rest of the day in bed. Normally I would have been upset to get sick on my birthday, but nothing can rain on my parade now, because I AM DEFINITELY GOING TO GERMANY!!!!!!

Love Vera

Vera was here at 7:38 PM

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