Sunday, July 31, 2005
Hi everyone!!
Wow. I don´t know what to say to you. It has been such an amazing week here, and I have met so many cool people, like Jessica!!
First of all, this keyboard is weird, so if there is typos...
I dunno how much you all know, so I will start at the beginning.
I flew out, like you know, and then went to Sydney. I did the whole emotional goodbye thing, and it was pretty bad! Mum was crying, I was crying...pretty ugly scene. Al tried to kiss me and I pulled away, and Peter picked me up and span me around. Some old lady was laughing at me.
I met Dad in Sydney, had lunch with him and went through customs. He insists that I didn´t wave at him, but I did. I think.
The flight, I was next to this guy. It was a long flight, but there was a hot flight attendant, so it made up for it. We stopped in Singapore, and we had to get off. The flight attendant left. Awww.
That flight was 8 hours andf the next one was 11 hours. I got to Frankfurt at 5am and my flight left from terminal 1 at 9 nearlöy 10 pm. It was a boring wait but I got reasonably far into Harry Potter, so that is good!
The stupid airline lost my baggage. I was surprised at how many people speak English at the airport, and when I got to Munich it and it was not there I nearly cried!
I had to go and by the time that finsihed it was about 11:30. i was tried and I fell asleep in the car pretty quickly. Some interesting things about Germany, they drive on the wrong side of the road and the police here carry really big guns. I was quite scared by that!
My host family are nice, I like them very much. I dont know that I want to leave them.
Passau is beautiful and so old! You should see the school I go to! It was an old castle, and we have the room right at the front above the entance and it is so cool! Here is the website for it!
www.freudenhain.deThe language course is good. I have friends there, thank gosh . There is one girl from the Phillipines, me and the rest are from the US. I am surrounded by accents. I am kinda losing mine, which is quite scary.
I am learning heaps, and I am starting to get more confident with speaking, which is good. The teacher is nice too, and we get lunch provided for us, which is good, because everyone gets really hungry by 12.
The other day we were playing a counting game and Andrea, the teacher, just kept on laughing, because we are a group of grown adults trying to play a kids counting game...and failing.
On Tuesday night we went to Schulefest, which is a school party, and Jessica, Vanetee and I met some hot guys, who invited us to their party, but we couldn't go. That was upsetting, but I'll get over it. It was an interesting night.
More info bout Germany: The guys here are hot, and the legal drinking age is 16! So when I turn 16, wow. Party Time!
It is so hard to think of what to write, sooo much has happened.
The first thing I bought with Euros was a bar of soap. Sad, I know.
How are you all going? How is Exhibitions? Has there been any fights or anything? Tell me all your goss. And I mean all of it!!!
Do ya miss me yet?
I miss all of you, and not being able to contact you is infuriating. Right now I am at Jess' host families house. I miss you guys, I need some contact.
Last night Mum rang me, BTW, feel free to message me..., and we talked for about an hour. I had so much to say. It must be about 3am there now, which is why none of you are on msn as well. Damn time difference.
I don't know what else.
My host family are nice. They have a pool and a nice neighbourhood. The people are really nice, but I well tell you more next time.
Hope to talk to you soon,
Loving and Missing you,
Tschüß! (Goodbye)
Vera was here at 3:16 AM
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Today is officially my last day in Australia.I went to school and sat through all of the boring lessons, except for P.E, which I didn't sit in, I played soccer, but not real soccer, learning how to kick a ball soccer.
I am so so scared right now, and I am so nervous and excited, and I don't know what to feel the most.
After PE I saw everyone in the canteen. I didn't want to cry, but I couldn't help myself, and the tears just came out. I am not the best person to handle emotion.
No one else was crying, and everyone came up hugging me heaps. Mr Mowbray walked past and asked if it was my last an excited tone of voice.
What I will miss about everyone:
Simone: Her cute little mannerisms, being in band all the time
Hannah: Hockey, her being a constant thing in my life, going to youth group
Emily: Her sense of humour and the fact she is always happy
Kaitlyn: The humour and sitting next to each other in maths
Fiona: Fiona seems to be friends with everyone, and is so genuinly caring about everyone around her.
Nikki: Walking home and talking about nothing at all, but still having some kind of (lame) meaning
Brianna: Brianna has been a constant in my life, since kindy, the only person who has. What will I not miss about her?
Raechel: Little quirks, and being so kind to everyone. Good talking.
Tina: Funnyness, the dinosaur and just talking and hanging
All the other people who aren't as much my closest friends, I will miss you as well. I will miss talking to you and hanging with you and the laughs and everything everything else.
I don't know what I will do without you all. I'll miss you all so so so much, and I promise I will come back and still be friends with you, even if my Mum doesn't think I will.
All the hugs meant so so much to me.
I won't forget you guys and you don't forget me!
I am flying out tomorrow, and then I will be at Sydney for quite a while, then I will get on a plane and go, go, go!
When I land I get on another plane, then I land and travel by car with my host family to their house.
I am so so scared something will happen, or that something won't be good or whatever, but I'll have to live with it if it does.
OK, I have to do this just one more...or two more times. Coz they are so fun and sometimes revealing.
OK, had to chuck this one in to remind me of home. And also for some laughs.
HTML code is not working, so I will just copy and paste the text.
You Know You're From Canberra When...
You run into someone who is related to your 2nd cousin. Everyone's related to everyone.
You are running late for work yet you still arrive before 9am.
You can see your breath in front of you at 7:30pm INSIDE THE HOUSE.
You can't walk through a mall without greeting 10 aquaintances.
You NEVER go to the coast.
You whine about having to travel 30 minutes to see someone.
Your friends won't travel 30 minutes to see you because they think its too far.
You travel from Tuggers to Belco to have people say "Gosh, you're a long way from home."
Glow in the dark bowling becomes an appealing past time.
The Govt invites you to implosions as a "Family fun day".
The highlight of your Wednesday evening is seeing Garema Place come up on the The Panel on #10
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Canberra.
Thats about all for now guys, but I promise there will be updates all the time. Or as many as I can manage.I'll miss you all and I will have a great time, and I will not forget you either.
Love always,
Vera was here at 3:20 PM
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
It is my second last full day in Australia today.
I went to school to return my French Horn and to go to see everyone again, then I left at recess.
Tina was talking about HP today and she gave the book away, well, not the whole book, just one thing. It was imortant, and I think I have figured out who it is I think. But it is OK Tina, I forgive you.
Not the most interesting day after that.
Mum and I went to Federation Square, we went to The Lolly Shop and then she took me to lunch at Cafe Injoy, like she promised to do in the holidays. It was pretty nice, but I couldn't eat it all, so I took it home in a box. Pretty good.
I am supposed to be packing right about now, but I am watching Blue Heelers, and I know that if I try to watch Blue Heelers and pack I will miss BH. So I am doing this now instead of packing.
But I will pack when BH finishes. I swear I will!!!
It's a pretty heinious task, I can't really be bothered to do it, I wish I could just flick my hand and have it all packed. Oh well, I'll get on with it and stop whingeing.
I am also putting songs on my mp3 player too, Ben Harper, and one of the mixes Peter's girlfriend gave him. But then Fiona lent me some cd's and I am going to rip those as well.
I am getting quite nervous now.
I look around at school and realise that I won't be able to see alot of these people for a year. I know I am going to miss all my friends, like nothing else, and I don't know what I will do wihtout them.
I'll also miss my family. I don't think that I will miss them that much, but then again I don't actually know.
Oh no, I'm going to go all Emo on ya. Nope, I won't, I promise.
Talk later,
Vera was here at 2:29 PM
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Before I ramble on about my party I will do this, as it seems to fit in with the day!

Which HP Kid Are You?Funny, I bought the book but I don't want to read it until I get oin the plane, so I have the maximum use of it. Coz if I start it I won't finish it and will have to take it, but if I don't start it I'll take it anyway, and it'll have maximum reading potential. If ya know what I mean...?
Do you? Ih well, who cares, my logic is screwed up, so much so it is nearly non-existent.
Well, you would never have guessed, would you?
So...the party. Right.
Well, Emily organised it for me, coz I am too lazy, it was at her house on Saturday night. It was pretty fun.
She basically didn't really tell me what was happening, just where it was. So I was in Sydney and I also brought Krispy Kremes for snacking.
It started at 7, and I was just a touch late, my Dad insisted that he watch the end of his gardening show veofre we left. Man that show is boring like nothing else.
So I rocked up and everyone was there. Raechel and her exchange student Vanessa went to the wrong house when they got there, I was wondering why they were walking up to the neighbours house! I went in and Em told me to go staright through to the Lounge Room, and Vanessa and Raech went into the kitchen with Em. I knew something was gonna happen, I didn't know what.
We just hung and listened to music and ate. Poeple gave me pressies and let me say to all of you they were all beautiful. Except for Brady's, a block of chocolate...??
We played some spotlight, or rather tried, but it didn't work too well. It was pretty bloody ocld outside as well, so we retired to the warm depths of Em's house.
Then we braved the cold and went up the street, of course after we nourished our starving bodies with some food and once again tried and failed to play a game. We weren't really in the game modd I guess you could say.
We planned ot go back and lock everyone out, but somehow that fell down the drain. Oh well, maybe next time.
Then I, unwittingly, spotted the karaoke machine. Oh gosh, what a mistake! Me and a karaoke machine plus a little bit of unseasonable highness, are not a good thing. Very ugly indeed.
So for the rest of the night we hung and talked.
At one point they gave me some more presents. This time it was a basket with some basic Aussie stuff in it, like Vegemite, chocolate space sticks, nutella, tim tams and much much more. I really don't remember actually.
And one of those cork hats and a t-shirt that everyone had written on. Turns out that was what had been in the kitchen.
I brought out my Krispy Kremes at one stage too. They disappeared almost as quick as the Tim Tams that were there.
I also got some flowers. So nice. They are above my fireplace, probably not the best choice of spots, but...meh.
We talked about all manner of things, got photos taken and some people did some complaining about the volume of the music.
I was at one stage sitting down near the lunge wiht my head on the armrest, and I think it was NIkki said to me that I looked incredibly drunk. I didn't think I looked it, but I felt sort of drunk.
Not too good an example for the little kiddies, but whatever. ;)
I don't really remmeber, and it hasn't even been an hour yet!
Thats right, I really wanted ot have a little bit of Fiona style drinks, but I don't think I'll be able to before I go, although I really wanted to. Point is its a little too late now, coz next nights are school nights, I know that sounds a bit wanky, but its whats true.
My Dad came to get me and then I packed up "my haul" and went home.
I don't think there was anything else...well...that I can remember.
So I hope you all enjoyed my recollection of the party, although most of you were probably there anyway.
If there is anything else will post in comments.
I had a great itme, thanks so much for organising it Em! Your the coolest!
Vera was here at 11:08 PM
Sunday, July 10, 2005
I worked my last day today...yey!! It was pretty interesting, but I will not bore you with the so called "interesting facts."
Or maybe I will.
My sister, her friend Nat and Mum visited me while I was stacking tables and chairs. Then we were packing up and I tried to put down the shutters with KFC's cruddy little pole, it didn't work too well and I was getting really frustrated.
But then my sister and Nat came to the door thing and were waiting and Kelly asked if they wee my sisters. I was like...yes... then she told me I could go. Yes, I got to leave early when there was so much left to do! PLus, I hate hate hate washing the trays at the end of the day, coz there is so many of them!
I also saw Lauren and she gave me a big hug, which was great, coz I haven't seen her, well, in ages.
Tomorrow I am going to Sydney for a week, so I won't be able to post or anything. I hope that when I get back thre will be lots of comments and cool stuff!
Maybe I should start talking about Germany again. Meh
Have fun guys,
Vera was here at 5:48 PM
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Haha, so many of my friends (or are they my friends*philosophical voice*) are getting blogs now.
Oh yeah, I am so the coolest trendsetter, mor not, but whatever.
Today, well, my sister and her friend Nat are up from Melbourne, and it's been a really boring long day. I went to work, I think Kelly got really annoyed at me sometimes.
When I got there I just thought, "ahh, blast from the past", coz Brian, a guy who used to work there and quit a little while ago was back again, in the stupid little Michel's hat, apron and shirt. I thought it was rather funny actually. But maybe not.
The funny thing, well, not much else funny today. Apart form the fact that I can't talk or eat or drink properly, there is nothing to laugh about.
I went into WHS Smith, you know the store on the corner before work and looked at diaries and books about Australia plus Two Language Dictionaries. The bad thing is I forgot to go back and get them on my break.
I served a customer today, I have a bit of a funny lisp and sound a bit weird when I say certain words, but perfectly fine when I say others, and she gave me the weirdest look. It was funny. Anyway, tomorrow is my last shift for a whole year, so I am fine about that
It seem's like all I have done these holidays is been on the net and sleep and work. Nothing else. A little boring, but satisfyingly lazy for me.
Phoebe is giving me a picture of Wild Wee Jasper as we speak, so I might wait a little while and try to get the picture up.
Bummer, it didn't work.
Oh well, maybe next time aye?
C ya guys later,
Vera was here at 8:48 PM
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Highly Bored I Am
I am sitting here, in the school holidays, with nothing to do, except for sitting around on the internet and posting on my blog. Come to think of it maybe I could download some more music... I can't think of a song to download right now, so I'll go on JAF to that thread about songs and look there, I have had a massive mental blank. Ahh, I found one!
I got my braces off a few days ago, it actually hurt, especially when they took off the ones at the front, coz they are really sensitive teeth.
It was pretty cool and I couldn't stop touching them with my tongue because they felt so smooth!
The next day it was Fiona's birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY FIONA!!! We went to the movies, and saw Madagascar. Ok, before you start paying me out about seeing a kiddies movie, and might I remind you there was about 12 of us in the cinema, it was really good, I highly recommend you to go see it! (Plus it has a mad as soundtrack!)
Then we went back to Fi's house, ahh, I wonder what her Mum thought! I got really full on food that day. Hey, just a thought, you are 15 now Fi, just like me (Is that a good thing or a bad thing?), so lets invite everyone to MA movies and then be like, "Oh, sorry, I forgot, you're not old enough!" Then walk off. Or not, because that would be mean.
Then I had to leave to get my retainers, man, they are the worst invention, even worse than braces, because you can move them, and CAN'T EAT WITH THEM! I swear, I am going to lose so much weight, because I won't be able to eat. Oh well, I'll get over it.
I watched LMS on Tuesday night. It was pretty funny, when Adam, at least I think it was Adam, I can't actually remember now, started finding all these tampon wrappers around his place. "How many of these little buggers can a women use anyway...?" Haha, had me laughing.
Yesterday I was reading this thing on Tom's blog, and it had his kinky theory about molecular bonding or something. I must say, I am not quite as innocent as once thoguht, because I have thought that exact thing...too many times!
I have nothing to say now, yesterday I did nothing except for use the internet, so I am not going to bore you with that. Today I am getting my hair cut and coloured, which should be a fun experience.
I will now bore you with the monotony of yet another test.
 You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant. Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle. You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.
For you, comfort and calm are very important. You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection. You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong. |
Do you guys believe what it says about me?
Vera was here at 9:38 AM
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Do you guys agree with these tests? Tell me what you think!
Your Rising Sign is Aquarius |

You are an interesting mix of introspective and outlandish.
Waving your freak flag high, you really do things your own way.
While you may seem distant, you care very deeply for humanity.
You just have no tolerance for fools, slackers, or dullards.
And while you're fairly misanthropic, many are drawn to you.
Innovative and clever, people look to you for new ideas and trends. |
Career Inventory Test Results Extroversion | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 76% | Emotional Stability | |||||||||||||||||| | 60% | Orderliness | ||||||||| | 23% | Altruism | |||||||||||| | 33% | Inquisitiveness | ||||||||||||||| | 50% | You are an Inventor, possible professions include - systems designer, venture capitalist, actor, journalist, investment broker, real estate agent, real estate developer, strategic planner, political manager, politician, special projects developer, literary agent, restaurant/bar owner, technical trainer, diversity manager, art director, personnel systems developer, computer analyst, logistics consultant, outplacement consultant, advertising creative director, radio/TV talk show host. | |
Take Free Career Test personality tests by Vera
Vera was here at 3:41 PM
Sunday, July 03, 2005
I am just doing this because I am bored!
Your Birthdate: June 3 |
Being born on the 3rd day of the month is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life. The energy of 3 allows you bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental. There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, "couldn't care less" attitude.
You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression. Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing. You are energetic and always a good conversationalist.
You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters. You are affectionate and loving, but sometimes too sensitive. You are subject to rapid ups and downs. |
Vera was here at 7:13 PM
Ok, so...fine, i stole this off jane's blog, but i am going to do it so you people out there, the lucky ones who don't know me personally, can get to know me a little better.
1. Name: Vera
2. Hair Color: Brown
3. Eye Color: brown
4. Height: oh gosh, about 6 foot
5. Glasses/contacts: no
6. Birthdate: 3/6/1990
7. Astrological Sign: Gemini
8. Current Age: 15
9. Siblings: Carina, Alec and Peter
10. Location: Canberra, soon to be Germany
11. College Plans: go to college and do well enough to do whatever I want
13. Any Piercing: ears
14. Best Friends: I don't really have one best friend
15. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: nope
16. Current Crush: yeah
17. Hobbies: whatever seems entertaining at the time...usually turns out to be boring!
18. Are you center of attention or wallflower: both, sometimes one sometimes the other
19. What type automobile do you drive: I don't have a car, and if I did I would advise you to GET OFF THE ROAD!
20. Are you timely or always late: If it is upto me just on time, but with my parents late
21. Do you have a job: yeah
22. Do you like being around people: Most of the time, though sometimes I wish I could tell people to piss off
23. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: all the time
24. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: yeah
25. Do you have a "Type" of person you always go after: funny
26. Are you lonely right now: yes
27. Want someone you don't have riqht now: I'll always want someone I don' have
28. Ever afraid you'll never get married: I'm not afraid, it'll happen when it happens
29. Do you want to get married: One day if I find the right person
30. Do you want kids: yeah, one day
31. Room: bedroom
32. Type of music: Whatever I can get my hands on, as long as it's not operah, rap or totally bad!
33. Song: Right now, I don't know
34. Memory: All of them
35. Day of the week: Saturday
36. Color: dark blue, dark purple and black
37. Perfume/Cologne: whatever
38. Flower: hibiscus
39. Month: September-warm, holidays and spring!
40. Season: autumn or spring
41. Cried: Yes
42. Bought Something: hmm, no, i don't think so, i'm pretty broke, couldn't even afford lunch
43. Gotten sick: I wanted to spew on Kelly before
44. Sang: yep
45. Said I Love You: no
46. Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: Yes
47. Met someone new: The new girl at work
48. Moved on: No
49. Talked to someone: yep
50. Had a serious talk: Have any of you ever seen me serious?
51. Missed someone: yep
52. Hugged someone: Don' think so
53. Kissed someone: nope
54. Fought with your parents: Surprisingly not! Except about dinner last night...but it wasn't a real fight!
55. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: Yes
56. Had a lot of sleep: Hmmm, its the holidays, everyone sleeps in
[What do you want to do when you grow up?] workinbe doing what I want to be doing...I don't know in other words
[Where will you live?] Is this a trick question?
[Do you want to have kids?] yes
[If so, how many?] whatever comes to me
[What would you name them?] I like the name Kristelle, yes, its a cool name elle!
[Coke/Pepsi] Coke
[Pen/Pencil] Pen
[Vanilla/Chocolate] Chocolate
[Hug/Kiss] hug
[Liqhts on/off] I don't know, whichever, I usually can't be bothered to get up and change it
[Dark/Liqht] Both
[Rose/Lily] Lily
[Dr. Pepper/Mountain Dew] Mountain Dew
[McDonalds/Burger King] Neither
[Sandals/Shoes] Thongs
[CD/Tape] CD
[Phone/Computer] Whichever is availiable
[Skittles/M&Ms] Skittles
[Rich and Unhappy/Poor and Happy] Poor and Happy
[Tootsie Pops/Blow Pops] never tried either
FAVORITES... (the moment you all have been waiting for)
[Food] Fruit
[Solo Singer/Rapper] Don't have one right now
[Movie] Don't have one right now
[TV Show] Blue Heelers
[Beverage]Creaming Soda
[Subject] Does P.E count? Otherwise electives!
[Teacher]Mr M. (Stop Mo) is pretty good, Mr B. (Woodwork)
[Store in the mall]Kmart, a bit of everything
[Radio station] 104.7 or Triple J
[Book] I don't have one favourite, but I like While I Live and Saving Francesca was the best I have ever read
[Holiday] Oversease!
[Sport] Hockey
[Fast food]Subway
[Colour to wear] Black
[Ice cream flavor] That really nice one at Simone's work!
[Cheated on a test?] Yeah
[Dyed your own hair?] *coughs* yes
[Been in a fight?] With my brothers, and in verbal fights all the time
[If so, how many times?] I don't know...Do I keep track?
[Skinny dipped?] Nope
[Skipped school?] no
[Stayed home on a saturday?] yes
[Toilet papered someones house/car?] No
[Paintballed someones house/car etc?] no
[Got toilet papered?] no
[Got in trouble with the police?] no
[If so, for what?] ---
[Stolen something?] When I was really young
[Broken a bone?] My wrist when I was 6
[Fell asleep in class?] Let's just say I found SoSe in year 7 with Mrs D. really boring!
[Gone to jail/juvenile?] No
[Been in the hospital?] When I was born and when I broke my wrist, plus when my Mum was in hospital and when Laura was in hospital
[Flashed someone?] nope
[Kissed someone of the same sex?] nope
[Gotten lost on a vacation?] frequently
[Do you have a car?] no
[If so, what kind of car do you have?] I have already answered this
[Do you think you will ever qet your dream car?] one day
[Do you wish you were older/younger?] both
[If so, what aqe?] really young or just 19
[Do you smoke?], smoking is my pet hate
[Do you drink?] I am underage...
[Do you cuss?] Who uses the f***ing word cuss? Let's just say yes shall we?
[Do you consider yourself attractive?] not really
[Do you consider yourself a nice girl/boy?] Sometimes, when I am in a good mood
[Do you have a CD burner?] yep, but I odnt know how to use it!
[What did you do yesterday?] shopped at the museum gift shop and worked
[What did you do today?] worked
[What are you doinq tomorrow?] getting my braces off! and sleeping in, and hopefully something with some friends!
[What are you doinq this weekend?] this is this weekend
[What did you do last weekend?] I performed in "Shorts" and played three games of hockey
[What are you gonna do when this is over?] Talk to more people on MSN or look at blogthings
[Thing you ate?] Dinner
[Thing you drank?] Water
[Song you heard?] I was watching "What a girl wants"...yes, sad I know, but I was bored, so something in that
[Show you watched?]Video Hits this morning
[Person you saw?] Mum
[Person who called you?] work
[Person you called?]probably work
[Person you hugged?] Probably, the last day of school, lots of people
Vera was here at 6:15 PM