Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Hi everyone!
How are you all? I am great, the last week has been such an amazing one!
Well, I guess I should pick up where I left off.
The girl who was going to leave, Katie I called her, decided to stay. I am really happy she is staying, at least for now, because I personally think it would have been a massive mistake for her to leave. From what I gather one of the guys in the class called her the day we found out she was leaving, then he read her a letter or something that his father wrote. Then she called up Petra and told her to put everything on hold. Then the next morning when I got on the bus she was there and looking great, and she told me that she was staying. I was so relieved, and a gave her a big high five and sat down.
Thursday night we had a leaving party at the castle. It was pretty cool, and there was some good food and good fun to be had. After everyone ate the group was fooling around taking heaps of pictures for about an hour, then we played soccer in the ever-fading light. I got a great picture of the boys being dorks, and Aeisha with her Zoolander face. When we were playing soccer David and Hilary were holding a bottle of beer each. It was really funnny, David fell over Aeisha and on top of each other, and neither of them spilt a single drop of beer. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen.
After the light disappeared, the exchange students all disappeared into the dpeths of the castle to play dodgebal. We had to find a way to the gym, so we went through the basement. Now, everytime we have gone throught that basement someone has scared the scheiße out of us, because that place in one big scary horror movie. So this time, it was night, no lights on, we ran through the basement screaming our heads off. That will be one of my lasting memories.
We played dodgeball for about half an hour, then, unfortunatly, the host families cam elooking for us, because they wanted to go home. So, we said goodbye. That night was great.
My last day at school in Bavaria was an eventful one. I was so upset that day, I liked all the people in Passau, it was a very fun atmosphere, and it would have been cool to stay there. I walked up the hill to Freudenhain for the last time. We have now called it “Freudenhain hell”. It was so horrible walking up there every day, but it was worth it. Our last lanuage class was pretty normal. We did some exercises and Andrea handed out some sheets that she meant to give us but didn’t get the chance to. We played a game to see what we could remember, and it showed how bad of a memory for some things I actually have.
Lunch was OK for the last two days of school. We had pizza one day, it wasn’t the best, but it was better than most of the meals, and on the last day we had rice with some kind of meat on it. It was good, I have been waiting for rice for so long!
The group of us went into the gym and played the incredibly competitive, boys-verses-girls, see-who-is-the-superior-gender game of dodgeball. The girls wre actually doing quite well too! Then we played a new game that Ashley told us about. I was the only girl left in and I went forward to get a ball, not realising that David had a ball in his hand. When I bent down he pegged the ball at me, hitting my face and knocking my retainer to the floor. I was hit pretty hard, so I grabbed my face. David was really worried, and came over shaking. He told me later that he thought that my retainer was my eye. He thought that he had hit my eye out of its socket! After a few minutes of panic, over me and my great retainer, and my teeth I picked it up and went to the toilets near ur classroom to wash it. I was really worried that my teeth had ben knocked out, because everyone was swearing and yelling “Oh my gosh!”
When I walked out I thought that soemthing was wrong, because everything was quiet. You know when you do a double take, well that’s what I did, but I turned around again and ran through the basement towards our toilets. I washed my retainer, washed my face and went to the classroom. We were told not to be late, but it was already 1:25, and we were supposed ot be back at 1pm! No one else was there, and when they came there was a few people missing. I asked where they were and someone told me that they were still in the gym because David was almost in tears in there. I got up and walked out. I walked through the basement again, for the first time not even scared, then I saw David, He turned away, he was really worried about me and was quite embarreased. I told him that I was fine and all the rest, but he still felt really bad. The rest of the day he kept on apologising and asking me if I was sure that I am alright.
When we all got back to the classroom, Petra told us the rules of the “scavenger hunt” that we went on around Passau. Basically it was a list of questions that we had to answer, so we set off on our merry way. I walked out of the classroom and out of the gates of Freudenhain for the last time. We walked down the hill together and chatted the whole way.
We were supposed to do the questions in smaller groups, but none of us wanted to do that, none of us were in the competitive mood. We considered just not doing it and going to a coffee shop or something, but I thought that would have been mean to Petra, because she put a lot of effort into it.
Upon closer inspection, and by that I mean actually reading the paper, we discovered it was incredibly easy and that we already knew that answers to most questions anyway. (The Cathedral has over 17,000 pipes!)
When 2:45pm came, we met up at the front of the train station and Petra was very impressed that we managed to do all of it in such a short time! It was easy, but hardly anyone helped, only about 4 of us were actually doing it, me included. She handed out some chocolate for prizes, which was cool.
We took some pictures, the whole group, then the tears and hugs started. I hugged everyone and nearly cried. I can’t believe how close I have grown to the group of people in 4 weeks! Like Chelsea said, It has been the best 4 consecutive weeks of my life! I was sad to leave everyone, but I had the next part of my year to get on with.
With that, having siad goodbye and having nealry cried for the first time in Germany, David and I walked away. We walked away from the last 4 weeks, but like David said, “This is one little tiny circle closing compared to the massive circle that is opening now.” How very very true.
We got on the bus and I took some pictures. We didn’t talk much, and when my stop came I said goodbye, shook his hand and got off the bus.
When the bus pulled away I saw David waving, I waved back and watched the bus leave, around the corner.
The rest of the afternoon was spent packing and eating pizza. My family ordered pizza and we ate that, then I played cards all night. I even taught them a new game…remember good ol’ Queen of Spades????
The next morning I left. I had to heave my luggage, it was soo heavy!
When we got to the train station I hopped out of the car and went to the platform. It was pretty sad, saying goodbye again, but it wasn’t too bad. I got on the train and did the thing that I have always wanted to do, wave out the window when the train leaves the platform. I did it, it was great, even though I was crying at the time. I had other people to talk to on the train, Camy, Aeisha, Ceciley, Chelsea and Hilary. That was cool.
We had to find a place for all our luggage, which proved a rather difficult task. You see, there was quite a lot of it! When we finally found a spot Camy, Ceciley Hilary and I went and found Chelsea and Aeisha, who were 7 caraiges down the train. Walking through smoking cariages is not very fun.
We basically hung out for the next two hours, until Aeisha had to gte off the train. We walked back to where her stuff was and got her ready to get off the train.
When the train stopped we got all her stuff off the train and hugged her goodbye. Then we got in the train, found a window and stuck our heads out of it. By that time she had already found her family and we got a look at them. Then the train started and I started…crying that is. For the second time in the day. We waved goodbye then went and sat down.
We talked again for ages, then some mean lady came and told us that we were sitting in her seat. She made us move instead of taking the seat we told her was empty that was Hilary’s.
So, we moved…up the train…and into first class. It was great. We had so much fun in the carriage. We talked about so much and it was soo much fun! Before we knew it it was Chelsea’s turn to get off the train. We had already been on there for 5 hours, and had no idea where it all went! Once again we visited the old people carriage, for the last time though, got all of Chelsea’s stuff and went to the door. When the train stopped we got off the train with her stuff, gave her great big hugs then got on the train again. Her host family was standing right next to where she got off, and we got to meet them, but only very breifly before the train left. For the third time that day we opened the window and said goodbye to her as the train moved on. And then there were four.
I was to be the next one to get off the train, and I was to get off at 4:59pm. Once again we pissed off to first class and hung around there, but our numbers were dwindling. I had a great day with those people, and I wish I had more time on that train, because I miss those people already. Like I said many times, being in Passau wasn’t actually what being an exchange student is like, it is so different.
When it finally came to my turn getting off I was soo nervous. I really was nearly peeing myself. I got off the train in Hannover, which is a little way north-west of Magdeburg.
When I had to get off Camy helped me get my stuff off, they all got off the train and gave me hugs and then they got back on the train and went to our window.
I was literally bawling by this time. I was crying, because I was soo sad to be leaving these people. I miss them heaps, and I had a great time with them. I hope I see them again.
They told me to have a great time, not to cry and to be strong. I got a beautiful picture of them out the window, which I will put on once I get them on the computer. Then the train rolled away...with my hand luggage on it...just kidding!
Nah, but it went away, and I was left standing on the platform crying and alone.
I had to find platform 10, I was on 8, then I got on the train to Magdeburg station, tried to find my seat but failed. I ended up sitting in some random seat, but the ticket lady didn't seem to mind. I spent the time on the train listenign to music and writing in my diary.
When the train was 10 minutes away from Magdeburg I was shitting myself again, but this time with nerves of meeting my new family. I heaved my luggage out of the compartment that I was sitting in (like in Harry Potter!), got it near the door and started trying to calm myself down. I guess it worked, because when I got off the train I saw a sign that said Vera on it and I started walking towards it. It was my family.
I met my new family, and I liked them instantly. They are very cool, and I like having a sister my age. Nina forgot to give me these flowers that they had gotten for me, she gave themm to me and we walked to the car.
We drove for about 25 minutes fromm Magdeburg station to Schönebeck, and then I got to see their house and city.
I can tell you, their house is so beautiful, and really high tech. They showed me around the house, then they showed me my room. It has its own computer! But it only just got the net.
Anyway, we went for a walk that night, but I think I will tell you later, coz this has been really long!
Vera was here at 12:53 AM
Thursday, August 18, 2005
OK. So, I don't know what to tell you. Once again, it seems like I have soo much to say and so little time! Well, actually I have all the time in the world, since none of you are on msn...it must be about 3am there. It is just a matter of selecting specific things, because I wouldn't want to bore you with every detail about it. Or maybe...I would...Mwahahahaha!
OK. My last few days in Bavaria have been spent at school, huddled up into the smallest ball I can make, because it is so cold. I swear, it is ALWAYS raining here! It never stops! I am thinking that I might get over it, but you never ever know, now do you? I take back that statement, right now it isn't raining, but for about the past week I have been enduring winter-like weather. It is not the funnest thing either. I sit here and imagine what it would be like if all this rain was going to Australia, geez, that drought would be broken in about a month!
Right now I am kind of upset. One of the members of our class is going to go home. Here I will call her Katie for privacys sake though. I will start from the beginning. I met Katie before school started, and she introduced me to David, who is now a close friend. We catch the same bus to and from school and we talk about some really deep things.
I have been over to Katie's house and I met her family, and they seemed nice. I think, from what I have been told, that Katie's family back home have been having some trouble, and she is really upset that she can not be with them right now. Also I think that her host family have been a bit, well, I don't know, they haven't included her properly. So, I think it may have been last week, but then again, it could have been the week before, she was in class, then we had a break and she came back form the break a little late. As soon as she came back, she showed no one her face and had her head in her arms the whole time. She was obviously crying. After a while Petra took her out of the class and talked to her, and they were stilll talking at lunch. She loked really upset, but later she seemed fine, so I thought that she had worked it out.
Other people have said that whenever Katie laughed or anything it seemed like she was faking it, not really happy, and that she never seemed happy. I think that on the bus while we were discussing things she was happy though, but I think my unobservantness is coming out.
Also I think that she was like the backbone of her family back home, so being such an important member than leaving, your family is bound to miss you.
I hope that I can keep in contact with Katie anyway, because she ids a great person, and I am saddened that I will never see her again.
I don't want her to leave. It is a feeling like, us, as a group, have failed, and I personally have failed because one of our own is leaving us to go back home. I don't actually think it is my fault though, don't go getting all worried!
Ceciley was talking about one of her experiences today in Orientation class, how the bus driver looked at her and closed the door on her and rove away just because she is an African-American. And she had to wait over an hour for the next bus! When she was talking about that she started crying, and you could tell that it was a really big thing for her. But she just kept on talking like she wasn't crying, or embarrased to be crying or anything, which I think is amazing! I was teary in the eyes and so was everyone in the room, because it was a really big thing, I can't believe that someone would be so horrible to do that to someone just because of their skin colour!
Today after school our group met the mayor of Passau, which was really cool. He told us about the history and about the town hall, which is such a beautiful building! Then we went shopping, and I can say I made my first major purchase, which was a beautiful (and cheap!) necklace from some random store! It was a great afternoon. I was also looking for a notebook of some description, because I want to buy one for everyone who I meet to write messages for me in it, and to give me addresses or something. I wish I had done that with you guys, but I have that great collage Nikki made! Maybe you will send me something like that for my b'day...(hint, hint...) ;)
I am loking forward to going to Schönebeck, but I am also nervous. I don't think there is anything to be nervous abot specifically, but about everything. I hope my family is nice, and that I don't find it too hard in school. I hope that I make lots of friends and that I fit into my family. I hope that you guys don't forget me either. because i will be back soon! Think about it, a year is not very long.
NOw I shall teach you about German. They have four different cases, each used in different situation kind of things. They are nominativ, akkusativ, dativ und genitiv. Each case contributes different words for the different definate articles and personal pronouns. Wow. German is hard. You also have to conjugate words and add different endins, then there are the spereable prefixes.
I will now say something...
Meine Schule ist kleine. Can you guess...it means my school is small.
Ich habe Geschwister. Ich habe zwei Brüder und einen Schwester. Mein Brüder heißen Peter und Alec und meine Schwester heißt Carina.
Wann stehst du auf? that means when do you get up? (aufstehen is the word for to get up. As you can see it is separable, the 'auf' part goes to the very end of the sentence, as with many other words.)
Was ist das? haha...thats an easy sentence. what is that?
'Genau' is a good word. everyone here uses it alot and i like it. It means exactly, that is right, yes, many things. But when I get back I am going to introduce that word to the English language single-handedly.
So my last days in Bavaria will be spent hopefully full of things to do. Tomorrow my class is having a party, and then on Friday we are havibng a scavenger hunt through Passau, whihc should be fun! I am not really looking forward to the train ride though, 8 hours cramped up with no one to talk to but myself... I think I might brush up on my German Grammar with the bok we have been given. I might even go so far as to ask Andrea, the teacher, to give me some work or something to do on the train. On second thoughts, maybe the book is enough.
I have one thing to askl of you thgouh. PLease PLease Please do NOT reply anonomously. I want to know who says what, and I am thinking that the person replying anonomously is either Mum or my sister.
Nice long post, so I will go now.
I mis y'all, the usual...
Love always,
Vera was here at 3:23 AM
Monday, August 15, 2005
Today is Monday, it is a holiday here in Bavaria. I don't know what for, but I don't care, because its a holiday!
I must tell you all about my trip to munich, which is called München is german.
I went on Friday with my class. And this is how it went.
I got to sleep in a little bit, but only a little. I usually get up at about 6:30, but today i git up at 7! I did the usual, ate breakfast and cleaned my teeth, then we met up at the Bahnhof, (train station,) at 8:45. We basically sat around for ages there. Then we got on the crazy German train, found our seats after walking through the train looking for them, and sat down. I was next to Jess and Vanetee, but they were talking about fashion, and you all know how much I hate that, so I said I wanted to talk to David about ploitics, because he is very interesting like that. So off I set, next to David I sat and we talked. After about 10 minutes he fell silent, so I got bored and switched seats with Hilary. LIttle did I know I would end up next to people listening to music, so I followed suit and listened to music.
Then the train pulled up to the station, we had to change trains, I found Andrea and David talking politics again, so I joined them. We found more seats, sat down and got comfy for the long, boring, politics and school conversation fillled train ride.
We talked about so much! Andrea was in Great Britain for a year, doing exchange kind of thing, now she goes to uni in Berlin and helps foreign students...I think.
You should hear what she said. Well, I will tell you. She said "I think you are very mature" and I just went, "Mature?" LIke she was an idiot! But she said, "yeah, because when I was your age I could not talk about politics like you are right now. I knew nothing about it" lol. I was like, hmmm, maybe she is right...not!
It was a great train ride!
When we got to Munich we got out of the train and stood around pointlessly fpr a while. After a while we moved on and we found our way out of the train station. I swear, someone could live in there. You could make a mini underground city out of that place!
By the time we got out of there, I was really hungry. We went to Macca's, but I didn't buy anyhting, I just used the toilet, coy I was also busting.
Munich is so beautiful. I will try and post some pictures soon.
Next we went to a gothic church. It was so beautiful and old, but a bit weird. There was this picture of the pope waving to someone, and Camy went up and made like he was high fiving the pope, and he got a picture of it. It was quite funnny, everyone around us was stopping and laughing.
Next we went to another church, I am pretty sure,. Then we went to Town Hall. There is a massive tower there, all in all 13 or 14 flights of steps, and we climbed up it to the very top and looked out over Munich! I could see almost everything, I even saw the alps!
Vanetee and I were the last people down the tower, everyone wasa waitng for us. Afzter that we went into this market...and I spotted subway! So we ate subway for lunch. lol. We are in Germany and we eat American food. But it was oh so good! Ahh, the cookies wered even better than they are back home!
Petra showed us the most famous beer garden in Munich as well, whihc was pretty bloody cool.
Then we split up into groups, we had the option og going to the castle, the Moderne Pinakothek or the tevhnical museum. I wanted ot go to the castle, but everyone who was going there went to the technical museum. There was no way I was going to the technical museum, so I went to the Art museum. I am soo glad I did. It was the most amzing thing.
We travelled there by train and tram, when we got out we found it relatively easily then we went inside. By we I mean Donald, Hilary, Donald's host sister, Andrea and I. So I got to see some artworks by Picasso, Max Beckman, Andy Warhol and Franz Marc. It was soo cool. Like, these are artists that was stduy in art and here I was seeing them! Be sure to tell Mrs McEwan guys!
After we left there wew went back to the Golden Statue of Mary near Town Hll, which we agreed was our meeting point. We got back there at 5:50, and then we walked aorund for ages. Next time we had to meet was at 6:50 at Macca's, so Vanetee Jesssica and I left. We got this ice cream, which is soo nice. I love German ice cream and pizza. It is soo good!
By the time evryone got to Macca's we were about to miss our train home. So we had to walk really fast not to. I was hungry and thirsty, but no one had anything.
We didn't miss our train, but when we got on the train, we walked through the whole thing and didn't find any seats. So we sat in 1st class, and the funny thing was that thje ticket man didn't stop us! I didn't get a seat, so I sat on the floor. I started everyone singing weird songs, like if you're happy and you know it...
The old ladies behind us must have thoguht we were very weird, coz i don't think they spoke English. This time I had a converstaion wuith David and Andrea for about 10 minutes, then it wore out.
I was so tired by then, and I had crashed, so I was lying on the floor of the train. MIght I say, it was very very sticky! Everyone was tired by then, and then we finally got to Passau again. I love Munich, it is a beautiful place and I definatly want to go back there!
Next day we went to Regensburg, whihc wasn't quite as fun. Mum called just before we left, so I had to talk quickly to her, but she called again this morning. When we got there we went to this bird show where vultures and owls and the like were flying around, but I thoguht it was kind of boring. Then we went to a höhle (cave) and had a tour, but it was kind of dull. I have seen better caves back home. Anyways...
Next Saturday I go to Schönebeck, where I am spending the rest of the year. I am excited, but I don't know which family I will like more. It is weird. I hope it will be nice there.
Right now, I am hungry, and I am afraid this has been a rather long post!
I miss y'all. I want to eat some good food, non German style, but I'll gte over it. Right now I will end this post and see if I can upload some pictures. Or maybe i will just wait till i leave here and get to Schönebeck. Yeah, so when i get there u might see some pretty pictures.
Love yas all, miss yas, hope ur having fun, give me the gossip, tell me about everything, coz i wanna know, tell me about hockey and debating teams---please! the usual,
Tschüss! (Pronounced kind of like choose, but with a shorter oo sound, like chus!)
Vera was here at 7:52 PM
Monday, August 08, 2005
Again, it is lunchtime, and I am so bored!
First of all, MUM AND DAD; STOP READING MY BLOG!!! i dont like it at all, ok???? and other people, no incriminating messages on it as well...
For lunch we had these feral sausage thingos, and bread. I am so sick of having to eat lunch with the little kiddies from the daycare out the back. Their lunch is so plain and not nice! I want to have lunch by ourselves like we did in the first week, but Petra has ordred that we eat lunch with them for the rest of the time. No one likes tjheir food, and I for one am not happy!
On the weekend...it was soo boring.
ON saturday I went to the supermarket with them for about an hour. That wqas boring, but they bought me some coke.
Tzhen we got home, ate lunch and I got rushed off to Kinderpatrouille, with Laura und Tobias. It isa ion the forest, and it was with all thses 7 year olds. It was boring. The people running it were army sort of people. I must have been the oldest person there by far. I felt so awkward andf out of place. So we set off into the forest, and afetr about 2 hoiurs, of walking, looking for things beside the path in the forest and answering pointless questiopns wqe emerged from the forest virtually unscathed, with no more knowledge than what I started with. We had to hang around in a park for about 2 hours for all the other groups, then we walked a bit further to where we started.
At the presentation...of sorts...they were talking about me and everyone was looking at me, but I dont know what they were saying.
So that was my day. Boring...yes. Very
On sunday i slept in for ages, got up and ate. Nothing out of the ordinary. They took me to Oberhaus at about 2:30, after it stopped raining. We had to walk up soo many steps and then we walked around. It is this massive castle, built in 1499, and now it is a museum...and guess what, a youth hostel. Yeah, pretty cool aye?
I think it was a free day, so there wa sheaps opf people there, and lots of activities. Laura bought me this glass thingy, and i walked up to the tower that loked over passau. it was pretty cool, i could see the 3 coloursd of the rivers combining to one colour. a murky brown.
oh yes. and on friday our class did a tour of passau. We walked around, looked at things, went to the cathedral, listened to the organ. The organ was cool, it is the woprlds biggest organ, and the smallest pipe can only be heard by people under 25. Andrea, our teacher, is 27, and she was pissed off about that.
haha. Then, well, thats about it. We walked around and looked at things. I can tell you, Passau is soo beautiful!
I am getting bored now, my host family do nothing but sit around on the weekends, but they do have a pool! Next weekenmd they said they would take me to regensburg or the fun park, and on friday we are going to go to München (munich) as a class. Should be fun. I hope.
Anyways, zes, i have my phione and yes u can send me messages, but i dont know how much it will cost ya, Mum stzill hasnt found out, so i wouldnt do it right now, but that is just because i am cheap. Wait a few days and when I next talk to Mum and find out I will tell yas.
It is always raining here. and it is summer. I swear, Germany has their fair share of rain. I think they are stealing all of ours. Wow, there is so much! and they have really big storms as well, which is cool. I like storms and rain, just not that much. It gets annoying when I am sleeping to have rain dripping oin me throught eh open window, then having tio get up and close it. Bummer. Ill get over it though.
Hope you are all having fun, the usual. Miss yas lots, having lotsa fun...!
Auf Wedersehen!
Vera was here at 8:26 PM
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Today, it is lunchtime at school and I am in the library using up the school's internet. wow, I feel really cheap right about now.
Today we had a visit from a guy from YFU, he told us about some of the rules, about his experience as an exchange student etc. It was cool. Then he tried to teach us some German. I got it, but I don't know if anyone else did, apart from David, who wasa really happy, and I mean really happy, as in screaming and jumping. Did you know in German there is 16 words for the??
We had these roll thingos for lunch, from a kebab place. They were nice, but I don't really like turkey.
anyways, i think that is about all.
i still miss you all and I still like my host family...etc etc.
Love ya's
Vera was here at 8:22 PM
Hi guys, once again, this might be short because I am at an internet cafe and i have only paid for 3o minutes.
I am having a great time, but I miss you all so so much!
I don't know what to say to you. It has been an amazing few days.
Jessica and I went to this party thing, like Canberra show, but heaps smaller. Her dad paid for everything, and we went on the dodgem cars 12 times. It was great fun, but I have massive bruises on my knees now.
I liked it though.
Last night our class went to a beer garden, and it was pretty cool. My host Mum brought the girl, who is 7, it was like taking a seven year old to a pub. But it was pretty fun. We got there and hung around. I also tried beer for the first time. Well, actually it was lager. which is beer mixed with lemonade. I like it. I drank Donald's beer and ate his pretzels. I feel guilty about that though.
In school, I am really happy about school. I am learning more German, and that makes me happy. I am doing well, faster than what I expected from the first few days, because we were going so slow in the first days! But i am happy about that.
And Hannah wanbted to know how to say german engineering just got sexier, i dont know yet, but i will tell you when i do.
what else?
I miss you all so much. I get bored and lonely sometimes, when I have no one to talk to, but I get over it though.
This is pretty cool. Germany I mean. I am so grateful for everyday I am here.
Well, I prmised that I woul tell you about my family.
Well, I like them, they are really nice. The dad kind of freaked me out at first, but I am over that. The mum wasn't around for the first fe days, but then when she was i started to lik ehr. And the kids have grown on me as well. Like, Laura is really small and annoying, esp last night at the beer garden, but i like playing around with her. And I liked playing toby in monopoly...and beating him. They have a nice house, with a pool. It has been really hot lately, so I have gone swimming every day after school. I was going to go to the public pool in Passau, but it turned cold last night.I woke up and it was pissing down with rain, and I mean pissing. The window was open a bit, so I turned on the light to close it. Then I realised that my bed was wet, rain had gotten in and leaked on the bed. I was pissed off, but too tired to care...so I went to sleep.
I don't know.
I miss you, and I want to be kept up to date with the goss, ok?
Hope you are all having fun...in winter...exhibtions...whatever else.
I miss you, love you too.
Vera was here at 12:50 AM