Saturday, November 26, 2005
Just got off the phone to my friends. :D :DWhen my host-sister picked up the phone, she must have thought it was my Mum, because she was like, your mother.Then it must have cut out or something, because she wasn't there. But it rang again short after, and I picked up the phone, expecting to hear my mum.It was Joanne...I totally wasn't expecting that. I didn't even realise for about the first ten seconds, everyone starts to sound the same after a while, plus I haven't talked to either party for so long that they all sound the same anyway. She was like "This is Joanne, I am at Hannah's party" or something like that. I don't remember, all you guys were there, not me. I was almost crying or something, I was so happy and shocked. I didn't know you were calling now...I thought you would be calling yesterday, and you didn't. :'(So, then the rounds started. It was a bit upsetting, that I only got a few minutes to talk with each person, but it was better than nothing. I think I spent a grand total of about 10 minutes talking to Emily, she seemed to be the moderator of the phone call or something. I don't know, I can hardly remember what each person said, and you guys are probably exchanging what I said to each of you with each other right now anyways.But, thanks so much for ringing me. You have no idea what it means to me that I am able to talk to you. Firts time in 4 months, it's been a long, long four months without you.I think that is really cool, I so badly want a year 10 jumper Em! Thanks for sugesting it to me! I think I have already told you which one I want, but not the writing. Ummm...I want...I don't know how to spell it, only pronounce it, so I will tell you later when I have consulted a third party.Can you guys also do me one more favour? Well, two, because I thought of another one just as I wrote that.1. Make sure that Mrs. Feltham remembers what electives I want to do. Remind her of her promise to me.2. Tell me when we are doing drivers ed., and when we are going to do our Work ex., becauise I want to be able to do both, and will be supremely bummed out if we do it in the first half of the year. Please, if they are going to do that, for me and Emily, try and convince them to do it a little later...Funniest thing, I have to say, was talking to Raechel. LOL. The mall flooded! I can't believe that, but we always knew that the mall is a piece of shit anyway. It was bound to happen sooner or later.I woke up yesterday, and it was snowing! I was lying in bed, trying to get back to sleep, and Nina came in running and "woke me up." She was like, "it's snowing!, come look" We went to her window, and it was so cool. The snow was falling down, and it looked so beautiful. I was like...ahhhhh...It wasn't like what I expected, it wasn't all white and covered, but it was only a little bit white.It was still cool, just...different to what I thought. I went outside later, and it was pretty cool. It wasn't snowing anymore, it had stopped, but there was still snow everywhere. It was so cool!Of course, something had to ruin it, and something did ruin it. But, that is a families pain, and I am not going to post about it, because that is mean. All I will say is that everyone here is upset right now.Thursday was Omi Margit's birthday, she truned...73 I think. We had cake and stuff, with the family, then they all went home, and her and us went for dinner, at this Greek place. It was really fancy, but it was sooo good! I ordered this pasta with cheesey sauce, and it was soo good...but I couldn't even finish it all! It was so much.Today we are supposed to be decorating the house, with Christmas stuff, but it doesn't seem to have happened yet. Oh well, plenty of time yet. Tomorrow is the first advent. Only 29 days till Chrissy, and on 6th December St. Nikolaus comes, and he checks if your shoes are clean. If they are, he puts sweets and stuff in the, which is so cool. It is like two Xmas'.Yeah, I am going to go now, because I need to go to the toilet, and I have nothing more to say, so rather than waste your time, I'll go.Miss y'all, Merry Happy 1st December, Happy Birthday everyone having a birthday around now and have fun! Talk later, maybe at the next birthday party! :DVera
Vera was here at 10:06 PM
Sunday, November 20, 2005
I just wrote a whole shit load of a blog, then the crappy computer froze. I started my other version by saying I have a really sore head. Now not only do I have a sore head, I am also really pissed off.And this blog is going to be a little shorter, because it is now later and I am even more tired than before, if that is possible.I was supposed to go to hockey, but I didn't get to. I got to the station and the ticket machine didn't take my money. I think it could have been fake money, there is alot of it going around Germany. So I didn't get to go, because I didn't have a ticket. I could have gone without a ticket, but it is so expensive if you get caught, and I would have, because there was a ticket man on that train. Laura, the girl I go with, saw me and I told her and she was OK with it, I think.So, instead of going to hockey I went to youth group with Nina. It was pretty good, we sat around and talked most of the time. We didn't end up getting any dinner, because the guy whose turn it was didn't show up. We all had to put in all the money we had and we ended up with something like 9€. (About $15 Aussie)We bought two small pizzas for that, which is a little expensive! But they tasted really good.Today I went shopping in Magdeburg with Oliver. That was...interesting. Not an experience I want to repeat any time soon though.Why, I hear you ask. Oliver is a joker at the best of times. He doesn't let one opportunity pass him by. Not one. So here we are walking through and he is making jokes to random people, mostly funny, but oh-so-embarrasing.I found some pretty cool things. I was really looking for a jacket like my Rusty one, you know, but also for a nice warm one. It gets so cold here! I mean, when we were driving back it was -1 degree, outside. Damn cold.So, we found a jacket, but I didn't buy it, because we wanted to get Dagmar's and Nina's opinion first. Don't know why I didn't just buy it, because it is so cool.One more thing I really want to get is a cool t-shirt or something, with German writing on it, or something German. That would be mad as.Do you know how hard it is for me to write this? I have to think and think so hard about everyhting I write. It's like I don't speak any language, I can't speak English now, well, it is so hard, and I still can't speak perfect German. So I am in the middle of two languages. Weird aye?An informant from home has told me that you guys are now speaking about me in the past form, like, "she was so funny" or whatever. Please stop doing that. Why do you do it? I'm NOT dead! Although I may seem dead to you, I insist, I am still fully alive and functional. Just a reminder, I am going to come back, you will see me again! (Well, those of you that live in Canberra and that I actually know)It's OK, just picking jokes with you.Tomorrow I am going to sleep in. I want to sleep in. I don't think I am doing much, and then Janina, my minder kind of person from YFU is coming. Should be good, because she is really funny and nice, I like her.Wow, this blog didn't really end up being so short after all.Well, till next time people.Vera
Vera was here at 6:56 AM
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Long time no see, aye? I know, I feel bad for deserting you all.
First things first. A few changes are in order. Actually, so far only one. I am looking at customising this blog. If you look over to the right, you will see that my links has changed. I could link every single blog I read, and so forth, but I really think that is a little too much, don't you think?
I am also going to try and figure out some HTML Code to help me with the little project Alec gave me, which is to get this page somehow shorter. Get only a few posts on this page. I will try and find out, but I can't guarantee anything.
One more thing, some more pictures added to my MSN Space. Go there---->
Wow, it is starting to get really cold here! Germany is really cold.
Today I was riding back home, from my extra German course with Pablo, and it was raining. As if that wasn't bad enough, it was also extra cold, I was going very fast on a bike and it was almost dark. Everytime a rain drop hit my skin, or my face in particular, it felt like a thousand knives cutting through my skin. Don't you hate that feeling?
By the time I got home, by pants were soaked through, and now I am sitting here with my pants trying to dry behind me on the chair. Not the best, but I'll get over it.
The Germans themselves are saying that what we are heading into now is worse than right in the middle of winter. I am not looking forward to it. Although people have been saying...there has been talk...that today or tomorrow there will be snow. Yey, I am so excited! I know it'll be bad snow, not worth it, but I am still happy!
Tomorrow I have four hours of English lessons. I know, I should be enjoying it, but...I soo don't want to sit through four whole hours of English. Thankfully it is with different teachers.
In case you were wondering why, in this school, when a teacher is away form the school, the class either has another lesson with a different teacher, the same lesson with another teacher of a cancellation. The notices are posted up and we have to check them to know if any of our classes are changed.
My personal favourite is the cancellation. I had last lesson yesterday and today cancelled, and it was great! Plus today I started in the second lesson, so I got to sleep for a little longer.
Thinking about it, this week and last week have been pretty good with changes.
I have already had three lessons cancelled this week, one on Monday, first lesson, yesterday and today last lesson. And last week we had some good changes as well, like a cancellation in the middle of the day. Most of this is because one teacher, who I have for both Biology and Chemistry, is not there. Ahhh...gotta love it!
I will try and post more often, because I know what you all mean. I hate reading long entries of anything. And Alec, I put in the effort to put in more paragraphs, so now make the effort to comment!
Yes, I know, dodgy, but I was bored and felt like doing something different to my post!
P.S. Congrats Simone, Nick, Tina and Ozzie for getting captains! I can't believe we are already nearly in year 10!
It seems like only a few days ago we were first meeting each other, remember Mr Maniatis' class where we all sat in a circle and gave names? That is one of my main memories.
And Ozzie...any more plans for the play yet? I thought of a few things last night when I couldn't sleep (it was too cold), but I forgot them.
Does Ozzie even read this? Who does read this? I guess you should all comment so I know who my audience is! :P
Vera was here at 3:50 AM
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
I have some cool stuff to tell you about! You probably know some of it...but I don't care, because some of you don't go to my school, so I am going to tell you all my good news!
News No. 1
Emily is going to Belgium! I can' tell you how happy I am for you Em, I really can't. You gotta keep me updated with everything, because I want to feel in the loop. And I can't belive you got the letter on your birthday, maybe YFU Australia does that on purpose?
Anyways, Happy Birthday.
I so want to ring you up...but I think it's a little too late in the night for that. Would you guys mind (or your families?) if I called you at, like, 6am one morning if you want to? I really want to talk to you! Anyway Em, I am so happy for you, I know you're going to have a great time, because you are so cool, and everyone will love you. Remember my advice? Maybe we will see each other soon...but I doubt it to be honest.
Just do one thing...practice whatever language, because it is going to be the hardest thing there. Honestly, try and find someone to teach you the language before you go, coz it really will help.
News No. 2
I got Nikki's letter today. Very nice Nikki, and I totally love the paper you used, very stylish! The little bits of paper were kind of annoying, but it got here pretty fast, so thats kinda good! Just, you have to have more faith in Australia Post, if it says Deutschland, it is at least going to end up in the Europe region. At least, it should, unless by some miracle it happens to go to South Korea. But, I don't think it would.
At least it shouldn't
Anyways, Lufthansa, that is somehting that no one has any faith in. Crappy German airlines...
News No. 3
My family has a new sauna!
That's right, you read correctly, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you, we have a sauna in our house!
It's so cool, it only just got finished, plus the pool, which still has to be finished.
Last night at about 6pm the parents went in it, then we got to got it later. We had a shower, then I got this cool a bath-robe, walked down to the sauna and hopped in. At first it was a little hot, you know, 90 degrees is a little over the top, but I got use to it. I lay down in there and enjoyed the blissfullness for a while, but after 5 minutes I got out and had a shower. The shower is so cool, it has different heads and stuff. there is a waterfall one, a rain one and a normal one, plus these cool ones that come from the sides and give you a water massage :P Its so cool. I got out, put on my bathrobe and lay down on the couch thingo, then got given an orange juice from Dagmar. Free service!
I went in again, showered again, then lay down and sung with Nina.
We also christened it. We gave it a sexy female name...We now officially say not, I am going in the sauna. We say, I am going in Delta! The sauna is called Delta, I forgot the reasoning behind it, but it as somehting to do with the Greek alphabet, plus the Delta, you know, with the rivers? The Delta is dry and then wet or somehting like that, like in the sauna. Anyway, I like it.
News No. 4
I have officially decided that Germany is the coldest place in the earth.
I swear, this morning I was riding to school and it was soo cold. Maybe it was the fact that I was riding on my bike at 7am in the morning, in the almost dark, but it was SO DAMN COLD!
I swear, that sauna is going to get a good work out in winter...
On the other side of things...what else?
I had a YFU Meeting last Thursday, that was alot of fun! There is a host sister who plays hockey at the same place that I do, so we are going to go together. I am so happy I have found a friend at hockey, even if she does live in Magdeburg. That's cool. I also went to German lessons with Pablo today, pretty much fun, like it always is. Pablo is so funny, he does the funniest things when the teacher has her back to us. I think one weekend we might go on a train to Leipzig together, because the teacher said it is really fun and doesn't cost much.
Don't think there is anything else to tell you. If there is...I know where the comment button is.
Love <33,
Vera was here at 3:33 AM