Vera's World Is A Small World <body>

Vera Elizabeth; 17 years old; Christian; Aussie; Germany's Biggest Fan;
Living The Life For Jesus;

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Emily; Nikki; Hayley; Amber; Ozzie;
Photos From Germany; PostSecret;
Disaster MB; StarGirl; Y.F.U

The Past

May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
September 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
July 2007


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Monday, January 30, 2006

Ice Skating, How Does It Work?

Yes, Ice Skating, how does it work? Without Ice skating shoes, is what I mean.

Well, the past few days it has been really cold, and alot of the little lakes have been frozen over. It is so cool. But cold.
Anyway. Alot of the lakes are frozen over, and yesterday we heard that the authorities have finally given the go ahead, skate on the ice because it is thick enough now.

So, yesterday we wanted to go to Harz, which are the big mountains in this area, but we didn't go.
So we thought we would go to Magdeburg today, where one of the lakes is frozen over, and people are allowed to skate on it.

Thing is, we don't have any ice skating shoes.
Think it is a problem? Well, it really is, but when there is a will, there is a way!

So we drove there, got out, walked all the way there, all the normal stuff.
When we got to the ice we just went on it with our normal shoes and started sliding all over the ice.
It was so fun, and although I was totally scared that the ice would break thorugh, it didn't, and it was so much fun!

We hung around there for a while, on the big lake, with lots of other people, drunk a hot chocolate, went for a walk, found another lake and went on that too.
That had no people on it, and we played soccer on it, with an ice clump. It was fun.

Anyway, we hung aorund there for a while, played aorund, went on a cool playground, got sick, then drove off.

When we were driving back, we saw heaps of cars stopped by the road, and we wondered why, so we hopped out and took a look.

Thing is, every once in a while, The Elbe, the river here, changes direction and goes somewhere else. The "Old Elbe" was totally frozen over as well, and we went on that too.
That was a little thinner, and we heard the ice break a little bit, but sliding all over the place was really fun!
We also saw these people who had brung out their chairs, their camping set, and sat on the ice, eating sausages and drinking what the Germans call "Gluhwein." (Happy wine.) Basically it is warm wine. Tastes good!

We then drove a little further and saw the real Elbe, and it looked so cool. we had to walk a little bit, but when we got there, there was all these little ice clumps, and they were floating down the stream. It was so beautiful, looked like something out of a dream. Like in Ice Age, if you remember what happens there correctly, and if I remember it correctly too.

I would have stayed there again, but Nina realised that it was getting towards 2:30, and her boyfriend would be there soon, so she acted quickly and pretended to be sick, so we could go home.
Sometimes she really is a spoilt brat, thinking only about herself, and that really annoys me.
I don't want to start a bitch-fest, but when she wants something she will keep bugging and bugging till she gets it.
Like when we were in Berlin, and she wanted to get home, because she was tired (and like always, she knew Gideon would be calling soon.) Anyway, so she just walked off in the middle of berlin, and because she has never had to think of anyone but herself, she didn't think anything of it. Because her parents don't realise that that is not how someone should be, when they are a kid.
Because she is an only child, when she wants to go, her parents just comply, just to keep her happy. Stupid, but true.

OK. [/rant]

Anyway, so now I am here. we got home, ate lunch, and now in about 30 mins we are going to eat and drink, a little Sunday afternoon get together of the family. great. I can't wait.

Beter go, find some other people to annoy...*hehehe*

Oh yeah, got a really cool idea for my Middle Seminar Project, thanks to Amber, my great brain, and Oliver, for having a video camera. =P (But if you still have ideas I would be glad to hear them.)

Vera was here at 2:02 AM

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Sunday, January 29, 2006

Help me!

I am supposed to do a project, for my middle seminar in Berlin in March, but I don't know what I should do!

I am really confused, and I really need help! Help!

Has anyone got any ideas? That I can do?

I want to do somehting interesting, interactive, that the people will actually want to listen to, because it is interesting.
I have no idea what kind of thing though.

Because I am going to a theatre seminar, I thought I could write a short play, something funny or amusing, and then get people up to help me present it. But, I don't know how easy ir hard it would be to find people to help me present it.

Does anyone have any ideas? I would really appreciate any ideas you do have! Click here to give me ideas!

Vera was here at 2:00 AM

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Saturday, January 28, 2006


This is my 61st post, believe it or not!

Anyway, I am happy to say, that I have finished my work experience!!
I could not be happier, honestly. I am so happy that I will never have to pull apart another crappy digoital receiver, or open another packet with a broken receiver inside. I have done nothing else, and I have done too much!

My hands look so horrible. There are cuts all over them, all red and sore-y. They have cuts, almost on every finger, and when I wash my hands it kills, because of the water or something. The cuticles are virtually broken down to nothing, and veryone knows how much that kills!
Because I have been pulling apart stuff, and opening packages. Doesn't sound quite so dangerous, does it?
But, I assure you, my lovely people, that it does hurt. Dangerous.

The packages are sharp! You wouldn't imagine cardboard boxes could cut, but they do. And when they do it hurts more than a friggin' paper cut, because it is bigger, but exactly like one.
The receivers, when I was pulling them apart, just cutting me on a sharp edge, or when I reach down and something scrapes on the cuticle, and break it. OUCH!

Right now I am considering amputating my hand. Not really, but it wouldn't hurt so much.

Apart from that, tonight Nina and I are going to Youth Group, and tomorrow we are going to another birthday party. Well, actually, I don't know when we are going to the party, could be Sunday.
But, it doesn't matter. Weekend is weekend.

Yeah, then I have two days school and then holidays again.
Should get my package next week.

And hopefully I can buy a phone in the holidays, with a friend, seeing as my family are like, totally against the whole idea of modernisation. I don't get it. Hmph.

Bye people, see you again some other time!

Vera was here at 3:12 AM

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Friday, January 27, 2006

I could fall asleep right now

Well, my legs have already fallen asleep. I can't move them, and I have only been sitting here for ten minutes!!

Anyway, the real point of posting was not to say that, believe it or not.
Last night Nina and I talked alot, about everything. Everything and anything, we talked about it. You name it.

Dagmar came up at 9pm and told us to start getting ready for bed. I have no idea, why she wanted us to do that, because she has never done that before, but I think she felt some kind of supiriorority, that only parents on a power streak have. Parents who are power hungry, I have forgotten the words, they are all gone, from my head, like little drops of water leaking from a sieve.

Anyway. We went into bed, like good little girls, and pretended to sleep.

When she was gone we talked and talked an talked. Like little kids, like idiots, who don't have to get up at six the next day.
I don't know how long we talked but, I can tell you, it was a bloody long time!

Today I couldn't wake up. It was so hard to pull myself out of bed and drag me down the stairs and stuff. I was so tired, I am just thankful that I am not Nina, who had to go to school and learn, like every other day.

Anyway. Today was OK. It went quite fast, to be honest. Not completely fast, but faster than the other days, that I have done in WEX.

I am still waiting on my two packages from home, but they should be coming in the next few days. we talked with the DHL post guy, who also delivers all the German Post parcels, and he said that there was one from Australia, that can't be delivered, or that was falsely addressed.
So anyway, hopefully he comes back tomorrow with it, because he said that it isn't possible, that it could have been sent back. I will be getting it soon. =)

Nohting esle to report. Not so cold anymore, but still cold. No snow, but there should be some snow in the next few days.

Today Nina and I are going to go out for a while, later. So, I am excited.

Next week I go back to school for two days, and then I have holidays. I so can't wait!

Much love,

Vera was here at 2:33 AM

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Literally Bored

Well, since I am bored I decided to come here and post something.
I have already written emails, replied to everyone who has written me one lately, written in my diary, helped finish homework for my parents for their English course, watched The Simpsons, it was the one where you see everyone's day, and Homer cuts off his thumb. What else have I done?
It seems like I have so much time to waste right now!!

Anyway. Today was really boring. I didn't do anything other than unpacking packages, and taking apart things, once again.
I am really starting to hate going to work ex. now, I really don't want to do it anymore.
It is so boring, and...I just don't want to. My host-father lied to me, said that we would be doing totally other stuff. said that I would be having fun. I am so pissed off at him right now for lieing. That was such a horrible thing to do.
The other thing that really bugs me is that he knows how much I hate it, and he knows how unhappy I am doing that shit every day, but he doesn't care. He likes to make jokes about how unhappy I am doing this shitty work ex. That's not very nice, is it? Making jokes at someone else's pain.
I swear, I am so pissed off at him right now.

Anyway. After lunch I had so much time to waste, I don't know what to do with myself, I have so much spare time!!

My parcel still hasn't come yet, which is a pity. It should be coming tomorrow, hopefully.
I hope too.

Vera was here at 5:02 AM

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Not Frozen YET!

Well, the truth is, that I could freeze to death any time now. Because it is so damn cold here right about now.
About now it is about -20 degrees outside. In the day it is about -10 degrees. Talk about extreme temperatures.

I had to go outside a whole lot of the time today, and it was so damn cold. I was walking back and forth, inside and then out, and I was so cold that I had to put on a jacket.

The creepy thing is, in Sachsen-Anhalt alone, two people have died in the last day because of the cold.
One of them actually went out in the night, in front of her door, and she collapsed. No one found her and she just lay there, and froze to death. How creepy.

Hopefully that won't happen to me. *crosses fingers*

So right now I am hoping that our heating doesn't fail or something too.

Gideon's party was alot of fun. It is not like the parties here, because there is a mix of young and old people. Here it is all old.
We ate cake and stuff, then we played a game, which was really fun, and ate ice-cream. Talked for a while, then ate dinner. Really nice.
We got really stuffed with food!

By the time we had eaten dinner, we had to be back at home. It was only 8pm, but, you know. Tight-arse parents, what can you do?
(Nina had school the next day, she was with her boyfriend, who they don't like, and his family, who, incidentally, they also don't like. Don't understand why, because they are the most wonderful peopple I have met in whole life. Honestly.)

Anyway. I hope you like my new layout!

Vera was here at 3:44 AM

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Sunday, January 22, 2006

New Layout

Well, finally got all of it done.

I know, it is kind of weird, but...hey!! I was going to find a better one, but I ended up with this one instead. What do you all think of it?
(I know, some of isn't perfect yet.)


Nothing been gong on in the last few days. Still a little sick.

I am going to Gideon's party today, should be fun.

Yesterday we played Die Siedler Von Catan again, and I won once!! AGAIN!

Anyway, going to leave you now.

Vera was here at 10:44 PM

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Thursday, January 19, 2006

Idiocy is always punished...

Yes, you read right.
Nina and I are officially idiots.

And us, being the stupid people we are, did something really dumb last night!

Well, Nina was out for a while last night. The parents weren't at home, and she went out for a while.
Naturally, it was snowing. Proves how "lucky" we really are, with the weather. First time it has snowed in ages. *hmph*

Anyway, she came back, and didn't want her parents to know that she was out. I wasn't gonna tell them anyway.
But, because of the weather, her hair was completely wet, and her bike too.

Anyway, as a cover up we went for a little swim in the pool. It is heated, don't worry, that wasn't too bad, but still pretty cold.
We got out about ten minutes later and went upstairs, got ourselves showered and dry.

Nina then decided she would blowdry her bike, to make it dry.
She went outside, through the snow, and blowdried it. No problems, it looked totally dry, and we had a cover up for the wetness underneath it, because she was at school as well. Could have gotten wet there, on the way back.

The problem for us was, now she had gone through the snow, and the parents would see her footprints thorugh the snow. Smart move.
Do you know what she said to me then?
Let's build a snowman.
No, better, we'll have a snow fight.
I was all happy, at the prospect of having a snowfight, so we went outside and had a really short one, to cover up the footprints in the snow.
Now they were all over the backyard. :P

Anyway, we came inside, ate dinner, watched Gilmore Girls and went in bed. we were all happy.

Today we both woke up sick. Great.

I am doing work experience right now, so it doesn't matter, but Nina missed out on school, which can be quite disastrous.

I went down to breakfast and couldn't talk, couldn't eat, didn't even have the strength left to try. I couldn't.
An hour later I went up in bed and slept for the next three or four hours. Same with Nina.

It was horrible, but, as I said, idiocy is always punished. Going out in the snow after going in the pool isn't a good idea. Let this be a lesson for all of you!

Anyway, I actually managed to get lunch down my throat, and I was starting to get my voice back again.
I felt a little better, and sat at the computer, trying to do work on some projects that I am supposed to be doing. Didn't get very far, but whatever.

I also kept my bedspread, pillow, mp3 player and diary very good company after lunch.

So, that was an interesting day.
The only good thing that came of it was that I didn't have to go to work ex. And, that was good. I guess I also got a little bit of my projects finished, but not very much really.

Idiocy is always going to be punished folks...

Vera was here at 4:35 AM

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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Work Experience with Oliver...

I am really sorry for the lack of updates over the past few days, but I really haven't been motivated. There has just been no energy for me to do it, and it has been hard to get some time, enough to write a blog, to myself!

Last week I started going to school again. Yes, that's right, I had to get up at 6am every day again. It was sucky.

In geography we are doing Australia, and in two weeks I have to make a presentation about Canberra. I really have no idea what I can say, or what I can do, because the teacher didn't really say much.
I think I will just say a bit about the general facts, history, and show some photos, maybe speak about the things shown in the photos as well.
If anyone has any suggestions, tell me!!

Other than that, not much really happened in school last week. Just writing, boring things, like always, yeah?

Yesterday I started my work experience with Oliver, and his company, SVS. I think that's what it is called, at least.
Anyway. his company has about 20 employees, and they service satellites, recorders, digital TV boxes and stuff. Not very interesting, until you get to the actual cracking open the box part.

And, do you know what I have been doing for the last two days?

Well, every day they recieve over 100 packages of things to repair, that have to be you know now?

I have unpacked things, brought the boxes to the back room and brought stuff from the back room to the offices again. Interesting, yeah?
For example, yesterday they had five GIANT boxes full of stff to be carried from the back room to the offices, to be put into the computer. Guess who did that, all by theirself? Me. I carried it all to and fro, and it was so damn heavy!!

To be honest, I also got to do some other stuff, which was OK.
I got to take apart some digital receivers, which was OK. I got to take out all the screws in them, take everything apart (They all called it "breaking them apart"...:P), then put them all back in their boxes again.
That was actually a little bit of fun, but doing it a hundred times, with the same bloody thing gets a little mundane and repetitive, and repetitive, and repetitive. :P

I also filed some papers, but that was boring. No need to describe what id id there. filed them by number.

Today after lunch I didn't go back. I helped Oliver do him homework for English, which is where the parents both are right now.

Hopefully I learn something out of these two weeks, maybe how to fix something, or to test what the problem is, or how to properly weld would also be cool. I could take the skills back home with me.

I so can't wait to do work experience again in Canberra. That is, if I get to do it again. Make sure you tell me when you find out when we have it this year, in case I will be there. then my Mum will have to organise something for me, help me a little.
I hope I get to do it again.

That is all for now. Hopefully I get to post some more soon.
It seems to be so bad, I can never get a balance. I either write heaps in my diary and neglect my blog or write heaps in my blog and neglect my diary. Hopefully one day I will learn to balance things.

Wish me luck for all the stupid projects I have to do right now!!
(YFU Middle seminar, Work experience summary, Canberra Presentation, that's enough for me!!)

Vera was here at 4:55 AM

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Saturday, January 07, 2006

Playing board games!

Today we played "Die Siedler von Catan" once again.

For those of you who have read alot of my posts, you will discover that we have actually played this game quite a few times, and I totally love it!!

Anyway, it is basically a game where there is an island, with different things, for example, wood, sheep, wheat, stone and earth.
At the beginning you build two houses and two streets on the island, the order determined by rolling the die.
There are numbers on each of the things that you can get. 2-12. Number seven is the "Ritter." So when a number gets rolled, for example a 3, we will look for the threes. There are usually two of each. If someone has built a house on a number three, they get given the type of building material that the number is on. Get it?

When you have enough material, you can build things, like streets, houses or cities. For one street you need one wood and one stone. For a city you need three earth cards and two wheat cards.

It really is fun, when you get the hang of it and understand it.

Anyway, the point is, today we played two games.

AND I WON!! Yes, that's right, I won both games!!

It was so cool. I felt so good, two games in a row!!

Anyway. Just thought I would boast about it. I'm mega happy about it. And totally proud. :D

Anyway. I have the weekend of holidays and then I have to go back to school. How sucky. I am not really looking forward to going back to school. I like being able to sleep in!!

Vera was here at 7:04 AM

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Thursday, January 05, 2006

I'm Sorry...

This is probably not what most of you want to hear, I know.

I know how much all of you love to look at my photos...but, I just can not be bothered to spend the hours needed to upload them anymore.

It was all merry and sweet before. I was very happy with just storing all of them on my MSN Space. That was great, until I ran out of space and couldn't delete or anything anymore.

So I have just decided to have a book or somehting, with dates and photo numbers, saying what they are and stuff, and to put them all on a CD or somehting for when I come home, for you all to look at when you want. I am sorry, but you have no idea how much I have tried and tried, but, nothing is working.

If any of you have an idea, like, better than a CD, to put it on, by all means email me, but until then, I don't think I can do it anymore.
(I think the only thing better than a CD would be a USB stick. And I can't afford that)

Also, my mobile is broken, so I currently have no phone. Those people who might want to send me a message, don't. I might just buy a phone here, I don't know yet.

Until next time my sweet friends,

Vera was here at 5:23 AM

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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Next Three Months

Well, I think I should be telling you all what I am going to be doing in the next three months.

Just pretend this post was posted a little while ago, because it was actually meant to have been.


So I have school holidays from the 23rd December-9th January. That is all good.
Christmas-24th, 25th and 26th December.
New Year's Eve party with friends.
New Years celebrations with family.
Y.F.U Meeting on 6th January in Magdeburg. Might go shopping before it. Einkaufen gehen...:D
School for one week. No tests or anything.
Two weeks of Work Experience with Oliver. I might get to sleep a little longer. Good things.
Two days of school. Then holidays again.
A week in Austria. Skiing on Mountains 3000 metres high. -20°C. That will be the best time I think. You can see Italy from the mountains we are going to ski down.
When we get back I will have a week of holidays still.
One week of school.
Go on the weekend to Braunschweig. International Week. With a school there. Get a new family and come back the next weekend. 19-27th February.
Another week of school.
Next week/week after I go to Berlin for the Y.F.U Middle Seminar. Theatre.
I have to do a project for that, but I think it will be easy. Meet lots of people from all over the world. Maybe see friends from Passau again.
By then it is already March. Around the 13th, I think. Depends which week I am going to Berlin for the seminar.
A few more weeks school and the easter holidays. Only one week, but it is enough. 8th April- 16th April.
By then it won't be so cold or dark anymore. I can get rid of all my winter stuff.
Every first Thursday of the month, if I am there, is a Y.F.U meeting in Magdeburg, and there should be another one soon enough on a weekend. I don't know what we will be doing this time. Last time was a Christmas Party.
Imagine that. And weekends the whole itme in between.
By the end of the time I will be able to speak fluent German, hopefully.

So, are you excited for me?

My family also kind of hinted that they want me to try and stay a little longer during the summer holidays. They want to take me on a summer holiday. :D

Have fun. I'm off.

P.S. Talking to Emily on MSN. Yey.

Vera was here at 2:15 AM

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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Years Eve

New Years Eve in Germany. Was quite interesting, if not a little boring.

Well, I went to a party at a friends house. I met with some friends in front of the school at 3pm, and then we got in a car and drove to Anne's house, the friend who we were partying at.

We talked and hung around there for a while. Her house is really cool. her mother paints pictures, and they are so amazing!! I want to buy one of her mother's pictures for a leaving present for the family. I mean, a nice little one or something. but I should probably ask first though. The mother of Anne or something, if she does that.

Anyway. We spent about an hour trying to figure out the phone number of a friend of our's, Philipp. We rung up so many people. Nothing worked. In the end we just ended up walking to his house.

Surprise surprise. he was already on his way to Anne's house. He was already there. He went the other route.

Mayn drinks, food, pizzas, games, songs, dancing and singstar later, we went out for a walk. It was eventually 11:15, and we went for a walk out in the town. Well, "the town."

We walked aorund a while, having fn letting off fireworks and stuff on the streets.

We saw these people, at about 11:40pm, and they were coming towards us.
The had fireworks, and were shooting them into trees and looked really dodgy.
Debbie had already walked away. We thought she was pissed off or something.
Then we started getting worried about these people coming towards us.
Our thinking was kind of like, "They look like bad people. Shit. *two minutes later* They are singing loudly. Shit. *wait a little while* They look like Nazi's. Shit. *longer* And we are all wearing black. SHIT!!*long time* We are all alone in the middle of the street. SHHHHHIIIIIIIITTT!!!!!!!"

We crossed the road and...we just stayed there, just looking. I guess we were so curious, as to what they were doing. I mean, we basically knew we were in alot of trouble if we stayed there, but, we didn't move. We just stayed there, totally entranced or something.

Our goal in the end was to get to the bridge, so we could see all the fireworks in Schönebeck. There is probably the highest point of the whole town.
Then we kind of thought. "Shit. They are all heading towards the bridge. Shit."

Then we all came to our senses and ran away, really fast. I mean, we were sprinting. We were so close to something really bad happening.

We just went to Anne's house. We got back at 11:58pm. The last 15 minutes of 2005. And hat did I do?
I spent it running away from Nazis.

When the church bells chimed, it actually did feel different. It is hard to explain. But, it was different. All the fireworks from the houses and streets started going off. It was great, watching it all. It would have been fun to let some off, but we didn't have any left over. :(
Sandy spent alot of the time messaging friends and stuff, and within two minutes, the whole lines were jammed up and she couldn't message anymore.

We watched for a while, then got bored and went inside. We watched some TV, played truth or dare, went outside in our pyjamamas for a while, in the freezing cold.

Then we went inside, talked more, and got ready to go to bed.

Yes. It was late. At 5am we went to sleep. Woke up at 8am and we talked for a while, but then I fell back to sleep again. Most of us fell asleep again.

At 10:45 we woke up again, made some breakfast and I had to get dresssed and pack up my things. I had to be back for lunch, which was at 1pm. But I forgot, and left att 11:30am. I got there an hour too early, but it was OK.

We ate brekky and then I left.

Lunch was pretty good. We ate some kind of anonymous meat and some kind of vegies and potatoes. Not exactly out of the ordinary. Except for that we ate at our house, and not at the Grandmothers.

For the rest of the day, I basically hung around here.

We went for a walk in the park at about 3 or so, and then came back and drunk coffee/tea, and watched TV. I was well and truly finished, and I lay down on the rug and watched TV. Then I kind of...fell asleep. But...shh...!!

I woke up again at 7pm or osmehitng. They all went in Delta and Nina and I stayed in the living room, and talked for a while.

Ate dinner, went to bed. Nothing much more. Very interesting Ne3w Years day, yeah?

Today, we bought knives for my Mum. It was pretty cheap, and they are pretty good knives.

Now I am tired and I am going to bed. Nina is standing behind me, waiting for me to finish. I don't know why, but...yeah.

"Because I am interesting what you are writing." The answer comes.

Night night.

Vera was here at 6:49 AM

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