Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Dresden!Well, on the weekend I was in Dresden...it is in the east of Germany, in the middle. It is a really nice city as well.
Yea, because I don't really want to, have timme to or feel like (or remember) what I did the whole time, I will just...sum it up. You know me though, my sum ups are sometimes...long. Of all things.
Anyways, on Thursday morning I travelled with the train to Leipzig, and then to Dresden with the ICE, which is the fast train. It is really nice in those trains! I love them so much!
When I got to Dresden I met up with Elena (Romanian) at the train station, and then we went back to her place. She doesn't have any host-siblings, but her host parents are really nice.
When we got there we ate lunch, and then we set out by ourselves, to look at the city a little bit.
Dresden is a really old city with alot of history. It in on the Elbe, which is the river which goes through Schoenebeck and Magdeburg and Hamburg, not to mention alot of other cities and countries as well.
The city is made up of alot of historical buildings and tourists. I think you hear English as much as you hear German there. =P Not really, but it may as well be like that.
We walked around the city and looked at everything. I was going around, taking pictures and then I saw one of my friends, who popped up into the picture...
It was Pablo, from Chile. He lived in Schoenebeck as well, another exchange student, and he changed host-families in the same week as I did. He now lives in Hamburg.
It was really weird, because we were just walking around together and then I saw him...we met up in Dresden, which is on the other end of the world for us both!
We then walked around the city some more, talked and caught up. It is really great, exchange students have the most amazing connections...you know each other for three hours and then it's the whole huggy thing and tears when they go again.
We also ate at McDonalds...that's like this tradition somehow.
The other person I saw when I was walking down the street in Dresden, but this was on Saturday, was Andrea. She was my German teacher in Passau, if any of you remember. Normally she lives in Berlin. It was so weird seeing her again. I never thought we would ever see each other again. She was the one who taught me my first words of German, and it was so cool to be able to talk with her in German and for her to say how much I have imrpoved, and how wonderful my German is.
She was really cool, unfortunatly we couldn't talk for long though, we all had to go.
On Thursday night we went to the movies, Elena and I, and we saw The Da Vinci Code. The movie is actually quite bad...sorry to say it though.
It was weird, but somehow...I dunno. It was made pretty badly, the storyline was so unrealistic and dreadful and the same thing happened over and over again, which can get really annoying sometimes.
We went shopping in Prager Strasse, one of the big shopping streets there, and I bought a t-shirt. =D We also tried on formal dresses and had alot of fun. We then met with a friend of Elena's, she was really weird...
We got out of that pretty quickly, and then we just wanted to go home. It was cold and had been raining nearly whole day. It was cold and wet and we were exhausted.
We talked late into the night and listened to music.
Saturday morning was OK, it was a little cold, but the sun was shining, something which I haven't seen for a long time. We decided to go for a bike ride along the Elbe, which was really nice. The river is beautiful, and we rode slowly, so we could talk and look around. When we got back we were pretty tired, but it really wasn't hard or anything. It was just that we had been outside for such a long time.
We ate lunch and then went to the "new city", where we ate Doener, which is like Ali Baba, and then had a look around. It was pretty late, and around 6pm the sops started to close, unfortunatly. We walked over the bridge, over the Elbe, and went into the "old city", where we cuaght a bus home. We were drenched through, it was really cold and wet...it was pissing cats and dogs.
That night we went out, sat in a bar and talked for ages, until we finally had to be home. It was really nice to just ramble on about anything, we talked about everything and anything. The drinks were good too. =D
Yea, on Sunday we went for a walk in one of the gardens in Dresden, then we went to the train station, and I had to go home. It was great to see Elena again, pity I can't see her more often, and pity we can't see each other so easily after this year as well....Romania is pretty far.
We said goodbye, played some games in the train station, like at the YFU Middle-Seminar, and then I got in the train and went off. It was sad, but necessary.
My trip was a little boring, somehow the second train seemed to travel so slow...but funnily enough, I got to Braunschweig in what seemed like less than an hour. Weird.
Florian and Robert were at the train station and then we went home. Said hi to everyone, the normal stuff, ate and finally got a good night's sleep. I had to go to school on Monday, but it wasn't that bad...
Well, I have my birthday on Saturday. I am really looking forward to it...I am going to be 16!! And I am going to have alot of
legal fun...
Vera was here at 11:24 PM
Thursday, May 25, 2006
This week was pretty good...I dunno. It was OK I guess.
I am still dealing with the "Re-Entry Seminar After-Effects", which is what I like to call them. It is just a feeling of...it is something between "holy crap! I only have 58 days in Germany left!!" and loneliness. Being alone...I dunno.
It is all the re-entry's fault! You see, at the seminar I was surrounded by people the whole time. People I loved and people I didn't like. People who are really important to me. People who I love talking to. People...I spent the whole weekend smiling and talking, talking about experiences or who or what...it didn't matter. the main thing was, that we talked. We all understood each other, because we were going through the exact same thing.
Now it is so different. Although I have people who I love and poeple I don't, people who are important to me and people I love talking to...I have everything the same, but just not to the same extent. Sure, I love the people here, but there is somehting between exchange students, some kind of connection, which...there is nothing better than that, nothing more amazing.
And then I came back, and suddenly it was back to normal. It was so amazing...than...
kaboom!I can't explain it...it was so amazing and then it sunk suddenly again. It was exactly like when I came home form berlin, from the middle-seminar. It will probably happen when I go to Stralsund in June as well, with YFU.
YFU is great and all...but sometimes it is
too great, and leaves you feeling crappy afterwards.
Other than that, I am totally happy!! I am getting ready for my birthday next weekend, and for going away, to Dresden this weekend. I am really excited.
Most of all, I am excited about my birthday. Most people say their birthday was one of the highlights of the year. i don't want to set any expectations, because I don't want to get disappointed...but...yea.
I am going to make sure it is a great day, even if I do just go out with some of my closest friends. =D
Do you guys know what would be cool, for my sweet sixteenth birthday present? It would really make the day special...
If I got called up by you guys on my birthday. I would be really happy...*hint hint* No, I miss you guys, and I think you miss me too, and I would love to hear from you all again! We have spoken once in the last year...
I think Mum wants to speak to me again, after all, we haven't spoken for ages as well...but if you guys rung up, I would be happy as well...
Apart from that. About this whole thing. I know how hard it has been for you guys, in this time that I/we have been away. I know that you miss us, and it may be hard for you as well. The point that I wanted to make is that it is hard for us too. Everything will be different...again. Just try thinking about having to resettle into your home!! It's a hard thought, a
bloody hard thought.
Thinking about coming home and not knowing if it will be like the old home anymore.
There is this saying in German, that no matter how far away home is, you can always go back there. And home is bloody far away. I am about as far away from home as it goes.
But we have all acheived it, some of us got through the hard times better as the others, some people at school have probably forgotten that Em and I live still, as well. Don't you think i t will be a shock coming back "home"?
OK...good. Now that I have written and written. Those things weren't meant as angry and pissed off as they sounded...I am not pissed off at all. I just felt like being philosophical. I guess it didn't work.
Oh well. I have 9 days till my birthday and 58 days until I come to Canberra again.
Do you think you guys would come and see me at the airport, like...as a welcome back? I would love to walk out and see all of you...it would be the perfect end. To see you all, drop my hand-luggage and run into the arms of my Mummy, then all my friends behind her. I don't know why I am even thinking about this, planning how to come back home, but...I guess, would you guys want to come to the airport at 8am on a Friday in the school holidays?? I would love it, so talk to my Mum and each other about it. =)
I have to go now. Dinner. And I have written enough for now. Wish my lots of luck and fun in Dresden. I'll report about the beautiful city when I get back.
Adios, Ciao, Tschuess,
Vera was here at 4:06 AM
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Re-Entry SeminarI had my "Re-Entry Seminar" this weekend. Wow. I can't describe how I feel about it...it's a weird feeling.
I am talking to Emily about it right now, we are sharing feelings, thoughts about the year and stuff. It's good. Hi Emily!!
On Friday I did stay home from school, I was totally sick, and...I don't think I would have survived school anyway. But the seminar is naturally an exception! So i slept in, had a bath, did everything I needed to do and set off with the train. I was bored the whole time, and it seemed like five hours, even though it was only an hour drive.
When I finally got there, I saw this sign with kids sitting around it, and knew I had to go there. They were all so surpised to see me, because I should have gone to another seminar, but I wanted to go to Magdeburg (The other seminar was further away anyway!) But we all said hi, waited a little and then four of us got into the car and drove to our home for the next three days. From the moment I saw all the people in Magdeburg train station until now, everything has gone so fast.
We stayed in a place at a lake, Barleber Lake. Originally we wanted to go swimming there, but the weather was horrible. It was cold, windy and rainy the whole weekend. I think there was about three minutes of sun the whole time, and that was when we had to work.
We stayed in cabins. the place was so beautiful, so green and grass and everything. The only wrong thing was the pink toilet block.
We ate and did most of our stuff under cover. We had one main area, where we ate and met, and that had one wall for wind protection. Then there was another place between two cabins, which was really beatiful as well.
As soon as I got to this place, we all walked up to the rooved area, lets call it the "room" and saw Janina. She was my YFU minder person, when I was in Schoenebeck. I really got to lik her, and we got quite close. Then she went to Belgium in Feburary and I moved in March, and we haven't seen each other till then. I really missed her and was so excited to see her again. And i saw her and she saw me, I was so tired and felt like shit, I was sick, but the smile just cracked on my face and we hugged each other. I was surprised that she was there, I thought she was only going to be there on Sunday, but she was a Teamer there.
We all signed our names and got a room together, I was in room number 2 with Bruna (Brasil), Yurina (Japan), Alex (Germany), Mirka (Slovakia) and Emmi (Finland), who came later. I would have loved to have had Karin (Estonia) in my room as well. Emmi, Karin and I got on the best.
Anyway, I got to keep the key, we all stuffed our stuff into our room and went back up to see everyone else. I was so happy when I saw Robert (Latvia), he and I were really close friends. I also saw alot of other people from my past.
When we were all there we played this game, where we had to make a people map of Sachsen-Anhalt. I felt so left out, I should have been out of the room, about fifty metres away...but I didn't. We had to introduce ourselves and I said I was the foreigner there. It was true. The other people were all from sachsen-Anhalt, except for one teamer, Steffie. There were three Teamers, Janina, Steffie and Thomas, who came on Saturday morning.
We all had fun together, talked, ate some cake and stuff then ate dinner. After dinner we had an AG, like at the middle-seminar. I was with Steffie at the beginning (I couldn't have been with Janina because she was my Betreuer). We talked about alot of things there. It was OK.
After that we all hund around together again, talked, ate...hung around. We did this thing, where we all drew names out of a hat, and that person was our "secret angel." I had Janina. =) That was really nice too. We got lessons about how you write different stuff in Chinese and showed each other where we all come from on the massive map. We all went to bed eventually, when we realised how late it was...
Next morning we all woke up and were all really tired. I don't think many of us really slept more than about three hours. Steffie came and knocked on our door...she was really polite about it too. =)
Anyway, did the normal stuff, ate brekky and had some more AGs. This time I was with Thomas, he was really cool. =) We talked about problems going home, changing, what we could possibly give the family when we go home.
After that we had our afternoon free. It was nice. Karin, Emmi, Robert and I went down to the lake and hung about there for a while, taking lots of pictures, like always, and having a whole lotta fun, like always. I love those guys, and I really think it will get to me, how much I miss them sometime. I really will miss alot of my exchange friends, exchange students who I have met along the way.
We went back, played soccer, hung around, played on the swings and decorated some random pots and it rained. None of us even thought about going swimming. I was wearing a really big jacket, one that I wouldn't even need in winter in Canberra, and I was cold!
We also played some great YFU games...I tell you, those games are great, unimaginably fun!!! I promise I will never let them out of the YFU circle though.
That night we had to plan stuff for the next day, for the host-families. it was hard...not really.
At about 12 most people went to sleep, but some stayed up as well. I think just about everyone had been in our cabin and had sat down and talked to us, including the teamers, by the end of the night. Our table had lollies and stuff on it...well, not in the morning.
Sometime in the night we got kicked out of our room, so we went and visited the guys room. We sat around there, played hackysack (although we were quite loud, and next to the teamer's room!) and talked and ate...=P
At about 3 it got really boring. Robert suggested that we walk down to the lake, and I really liked the idea, so four of us went. On the way there Robert asked if we would pay him to go in the lake, so he did. But it looked like so much fun he got some company as well. Imagine it, exchange students in a lake at 4am. It really was quite funny. It wasn't even cold anymore!
After that we went and showered, hung around more and then finally decided to all go to bed, although we thought we would try and pull an all nighter. I wasn't really tired, but when I got to my room I hit the pillow and was dead to the world. It was funny when I was trying to get to my bed. There were heaps of chairs, bags, and everything imaginable on the floor. And every time I took a step I would find something else.
Janina came at 7:45 and knocked on our door, surpirsed at how warm it was in our room. That was the next sign of life I showed.
That morning we were all quite crazy, getting people to sign our t-shirts and everything. My t-shirt really is beautiful. We ate, cleaned up our cabins and got rid of all our stuff. our cabin was gone. Bye-bye. =(
Soon enough the parents came. We had to have one last AG, flying home. How it would be at home and things. It really made me think.
After that we all said hi to parents and friends, then the summer-fest was opened. We ate happily and ate till we were all full. Our table was full of young kids without family there, which was great. Aurelija and Karin sat next to me, and Jana across the table, some really nice, funny girls.
Then we had to put on our program for the parents. We spelt out Germany and read out things, then played some games with them, sung two songs and then made pictures. It was very sad for it to be over. I wish I could have stayed, the time went so fast.
After that we all exchanged emails and things and then we all had to go eventually. It was very sad to leave, my last YFU seminar in Sachsen-Anhalt, probably the last time I will see most of those people. I promised Steffie to make something like that in Australia, because it is so wonderful. Maybe Emily will help me.
Going was sad. I didn't cry, but...my heart was low. I said goodbye to Janina last. I also wrote her a massive letter, and made a nice picuire thing for her as well. She wasn't allowed to read it until I left though.
I will miss YFU.
I got a lift with Emmi and Karin, Karin and I got dropped off at the train station. We waited a little while, then I got on the train and I left YFU Sachsen-Anhalt. =( It is really emotional for me, OK guys? Karin was the last person I saw from them all...I miss them. Although I have pictures and a t-shirt and memories, nothing can beat a good ol' YFU meeting, being able to hug them and talk to them face-to-face. To go swimming with them in the middle of the night and to see the smile on their faces. To crack jokes about YFU, secretly loving every minute of it, and hoping to see them around each corner to be able to scare the wits out of them.
That's the spirit.
I travelled away and was left with myself and my memories. The time went so fast, I don't believe it is over.
Before I went to this seminar, I still thought I had alot of time here in Germany. Oh yeah, I thought. 2 Months still...but two days later, I see that totally differently. I have realised that 2 months isn't much time at all. How can the reality change so suddenly?
When I got home I felt so...empty.
Having said goodbye to them for the last time took a part of me away as well. Exchange friends really are special. More special than anyone else on this world sometimes. Nothing I say will make you all understand it, you need to have had experienced it.
It's nearly over. It was a weird feeling to be home...really weird. The seminar was a great lot of fun and everything, but it didn't really help for the re-entry, which was the whole purpose of it. It was a time to say goodbye, a time for fun, but for the re-entry to Australia, it wasn't much good. And that got me scared.
YFU Germany are normally so good with everything, and everything helps, but I realised that this seminar didn't help at all. And if YFU can't help, I can only imagine how hard it is going to be for us, Emily and I, when we got home.
And this is where you guys come into the picture.
We are the ones who did this. We both wanted to, no-one forced us. We were always the different ones. When we came to Europe, we were the ones who had to change to fit in. We had to adjust, no-one else. We had to fit into the country, culture, family, school, class and friendship group here. No-one else.
And now we are coming back.
We will come back, and we will be like it was in our country. In Europe. Now we will have to come back and fit in all over again. We will have to change again. You think we haven't changed? You think you haven't changed? We will have to come back and fit into the country, culture, family, school, class and friendship group again. Some things may change. Some things may be the same. And for us, some things may not fit together quite so well anymore. We are the ones who will have to adjust.
It is scary, I have to change to fit into my own life. My life in Germany, I have to change. My life in Australia. I have to change.
Please be patient with us guys. Understand when we want to exchange experiences and only talk about what has happened here in Europe. Understand when we don't want to talk. Be patient.
Understand when we are going so badly we are about to cry and understand when we just can't do anything anymore. When we don't know something that has happened in the last 12 months/6 months, explain it to us patiently.
There will be times when we miss our lands, school, cities, friends and family so much that we can't think of anything other than that. There will be times when the pang hurts too much to bear, and when we just have to run onto the next flight to Europe. Let us make our decisions.
When we feel alone, be there for us, and when we want to be alone and cry please respect that. If it hurts so much and is so hopeless that we can't go on, be the same great friends that you were when we left.
Please understand that we weren't there, that we have done something different. There will be times when we can't do things. Understand that we have changed a little bit, but we are still the same people, we just have an extra part on our bodies. It may sound corny, but we have grown the wings to fly alone in this time here.
Understand that I might look the same, but I have changed for the better on the inside, even though you can't see it, it doesn't mean it is not there.
And that is that. Please understand guys.
Wow. It's nearly over. We're coming back soon. Don't worry anymore.
Vera was here at 2:10 AM
Friday, May 19, 2006
Damn Cold...and Cold WeatherYes. You read right. It is cold. It rained today. And I am sick. Urgh.
And as promised, I am writing a blog entry, before I go. Yea, you should all be happy, I am sitting here, this is the last thing I am going to do before I go to bed.
Tomorrow I have my so-called "Re-Entry Seminar" in Magdeburg. I am so looking forward to it. I will get to see everyone again. Especially the two or three people who I get along with really well. =) I am so excited!!
It will be really fun, YFU things are always fun.
I am not going to go to school, because I would have to leave after the second lesson anyway, if I want to have a bit of time to get ready at home in between coming home and leaving again. I think it is better like that anyway, this way I can sleep in and hopefully get rid of this cold...at least a little bit.
There is only one thing shitty about it. Today I became sick. Urgh. Great, right? Well, I wanted to go home after the second lesson, but I didn't, I fought my way through the day. I didn't go to Jazz Combo, thinking that I might be able to go to hockey. I got home and had a little bit to eat, and then I lay myself in bed for a little while.
At 6:30pm I woke up and asked Caro what time it was. I was so tired and felt so shitty. She told me it was 6:30, and I was just like..."Well, I guess it's a little too late to go to hockey."
It was funny, because i was lying in bed the whole time, and everyone thought I had gone to hockey, because they hadn't seen me, and that's what I wanted to do.
To be honest though, I think it is better that I didn't go. I got some rest before my big weekend.
What is really funny...YFU is
infectious. LOL. I hope you guys get that joke, after my Middle-Seminar I was
really sick, and now I have gotten sick before my other seminar with them.
And it is funny because I feel like YFU really is infectious...the energy and everything. Having been at the Middle-Seminar, I have realised how much I would like to do something with YFU in the future. The people at the Middle-Seminar showed me how great it is...they infected me, as a way of saying it.
I didn't really do much this week. It was quite normal, it's not like I did anything breathtaking. I just wanted to write to tell you all I am still alive, am not going to be at home this weekend and that I am just so happy. Woot. Go YFU!!
Well, I am going to leave you here, because I am tired, even though I slept a bit this afternoon. Damn colds!! It's late and it is time for all good children to be in bed.
Think of me.
Vera was here at 5:42 AM
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
I Have Been Lazy...Wow, I have been really lazy on the blogging front right now...I am really sorry guys, I just don't even remember about the blog until the weekend, jsut because my weeks are crazily busy and the weekends are a good time to try and get everything done.
Let's see, what have I done in the last week?
Good question...On Tuesday and Thursday I had hockey training, and on Thursday the coach asked me if I would like to play with them...which is a real honour, considering it isn't worth getting me registered and getting a player card for me when I might be able to play about three games. I informed him of this and he said, trust me, it's worth it.
I was like...cool!! =D =D
So then I had to get a picture and stuff, which I did today at lunchtime.
On Saturday I met some friends in the city and we sat around and talked and shopped alot. =D That is the best, I swear it! I go to the city nearly every weekend...maybe it is because there is nothing much else to do.
What else did I do?
Yesterday was Mother's Day (I talked to Mum on Staurday and wished her a good one) and I baked my Mama a cake. I baked her Pavlova. Then she had a book stall organised, and i went and helped there as well...and she also got some flowers and chocolates. Then she is getting a homemade manual with the most important fuctions of our new car. (Oh yeah, we got a new car on Wednesday. VW. People-mover.) She is worried she won't get the hang of it...and she wouldn't read a manual to save her life, so they are making a handbook with pictures and the most important functions to help her with the car.
The problem with her driving is that she is too scared, too...careful and hesitant with everything, and...trsut me, when it is to this extent, it is really bad. (Mum,you drive alot better than her.)
In the next weeks I have...
- 19-21 May. Re-Entry Seminar in Magdeburg. Similar to what Em had this weekend. I am really excited 'coz I get to see all my friends again, and say goodbye to them this time for real.
- 25-28 May. The weekend after that I am going to travel to Dresden, I have a friend there, Elena, who comes from Romania, who invited me to go and stay with her, and I have always wanted to see Dresden anyway. I can't wait to see her again, because it is very unlikely we will see each other after that. And she is always heaps of fun.
- 3 June. Birthday. The weekend of my birthday...I am so excited to be turning 16!! Maybe you guys could ring me up...=D I wouldn't be unhappy about that.
- 8-11 June. "Culture Trek" with YFU. Stralsund, on the East Sea. Maybe I will see people I know from Passau or the middleseminar or from my landgroups there again. Or if not, I will get a whole lot of other friends.
After that I don't have anything planned...not yet. =D
Hope you all had a wonderful time at the Gold Coast...it's amazing, I love the beaches, especially in summer. But I don't need to tell you that.
I will try and post again before my Re-Entry Seminar on the weekend, if I am able to.
One thing about the seminar is that I have to take 3 photos from my year with me...I can't pick just three!! There are either 1 or 2 which I would take, or 6!! It is so annoying!
Well, till next time. Long time no ocean.
Vera was here at 12:57 AM
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
How Time Flies When You're Having FunWow, it has been so long since I last updated, a week, but it feels like I updated yesterday. Yes, that's right. I have been having so much fun in the last week, it seems like the time is just running away from me.
I am getting worried. I only have 74 days left, until I come home, and some of those days won't even be here in germany. In realty I only have about 64 days left here in Braunschweig, and I am scared that I won't be able to do everything that I want to do.
Although it is the reality, I don't
want to hear that I have to go home soon. I want another...4 months or something here. (In about September it'll get cold...=P)
On Tuesday and Wednesday I went to school, like normal. In the breaks and things I talked to friends, had alot of fun. I really love going to school right now, it is just so much fun! The people in my class are all really nice, and I have become really good friends with some of them. The lessons are...OK, but
alot better than in Schoenebeck. I am just so
happy here. =D
On Thursday we had a free day, because they had oral tests in the school...and, for some reason we just got given free. It was great. I had to go to school anyway, because I had to go to the Jazz Combo practice (I play my clarinet), and we have a peformance on Wednesday, and we
really need to practice.
It was OK though, going to school on our day off, because Jazz Combo and all the people there are all really nice. It's actually alot of fun.
After the rehearsal I met Claudia, one of the girls from my class and we went into the city, and went shopping. It was alot of fun, we just had a look in all of the shops, and I found so much stuff to buy. I bought some of it, but not all of it. Sometime we also met Annika, another girl from my class and we all went crazy trying on stuff. I also found a skirt and bought it!!
(Shock horror)Annika had to meet a friend eventually, so Claudia and I left her and we ate some ice-cream...it is like German Culture, eating an ice-cream in the city. It is so good, and the ice-cream is real stuff, not Streets or anything. I swear, I am going to be so...big, when I get home, from the whole ice-creams. Maybe I will be normal though, because I lost alot of weight before. Now I will just put it all back on again.
I went home, had school on friday, went with Annika in the city and we walked around for a while, then I got my tram and went home. After that I went for a run and...yea.
Saturday I met with Katharina, another friend. We ate some ice-cream and went shopping, walked around the city a little bit. I am really getting to know the city and all of its shops. It's funny. I didn't buy anything though, at least I don't think I did...
I got home and fooled around, wrote some letters to friends and things and then I wrote in my diary and went to bed. I also did this thing that we learnt at the YFU Middle-Seminar. It is like a tension map, and it is really great, to reflect on the year, or in this case, my last two months. =D
Thanks YFU Middle-Seminar Teamers!!
Sunday was such a great day. It was so beautiful, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. Well, the birds weren't exactly singing, but the church bells were ringing. I ate breakfast and the Caro and I went outside, we wanted to fix her bike. It didn't really work out, but we spent a good two hours outside talking and laughing and making pictures and ridiculing the various attempts to fix it.
We actually wanted to ride down to the river, there is a river here, about 30 mins away, and I didn't even know it! But since we only had one bike, I rode the bike and she walked.
What we did was really cool. We packed food and drink and a rug and my camera on the back of the bike and set off. We then found a spot on the river bank and lay down on the rug, eating and drinking. We could put our feet into the river, although the rocks were all slimy, and we were outside in the sun all day. It was so beautiful.
It was like going back to our kinderhood. Going for a tea-party with a friend in the grass in the backyard. It was so...amazing. It reminded me of being a kid, even what we were wearing. (We were both wearing thongs and jeans rolled up to the legs and short sleeved T-shirts.)
That was so cool!!
Today I went to school. On Mondays I normally have 8 lessons *spew*, but because we had a Jazz Combo practice I got out after the 6th lesson, and then we were actually finished before the last lesson was over, but I just went home. It was so much easier, because i would have had to have gone to the Secretary to get into the room (it is the Chemistry room, and there are big doors between the classes) and that was really hard. And it wasn't worth it for 15 minutes of the lesson. And it was better to go home because I am tired. Why am I justifying myself anyway?
Yea, everything is going well here. I know that most of my friends are at the Gold Coast, and I am very, very jealous. But it is fun here too. =D
Have fun guys,
Vera was here at 1:23 AM
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Crazy WeekendOMG, I had a great weekend. It was so much fun. It's not like I went out partying, like Emily, but I had a good time anyway.
On Sunday, after I wrote the last post, I went to a friend's house. On the way there I read my great book...it is such a good book, I swear, I am totally addicted to it!! My tram and bus rides are never going to be boring again...until I finish this book.
Anyway, when I got to Eva's house we talked for a while, listened to music and stuff, like normal girls, then watched Scary Movie.
It has been so long since I have seen that movie, it's so funny.
After that we talked for about two hours...about everything and anything. Then we had to run down to the tram stop, so that I could get my tram/bus home. If I had've missed that I would have to have waited another hour...I would have got home soo late.
Yea, it doesn't matter though.
I also borrowed some CD's from her, The Rasmus, Good Charlotte and Sportfreunde Stiller.
I got home, ate dinner, hung around, talked with everyone and did the normal stuff, then read the book some more. Argh, I am soo addicted to this bloody book!!
Because I forgot to tell my Mum this, when I was talking to her, because there was always something to say before I could say this, and then we both had to go,

Sorry Mum. I love you and hope your birthday was the best!!
OK, today I woke up at about noon, and when I realised it was so late I got into a panic. It wasn't such a big deal though, because I didn't have to leave until 1:30pm. Thank God!
I got up and ate and everything, then went and met Annika in the city. We walked around the closed city for a while and then went to the cinemas to see Ice Age 2. I swear, that movie is soo cool!! It's funny, and so cute. I am just not sure whether the first or the second movie is better. I'm still undecided.
During the advertisements and things we talked alot, and there are seriously so many things that I didn't know about her. She is really nice though.
After the movie I had to start thinking abut getting a tram home...we talked, walked around the city, went by McDonalds's and stuff, talked some more and then I got by tram.
Got home, hung around, talked with Caro and now I am here. Surprising, isn't it?
I am starting to think about what I can give my host-family when I leave. My ideas so far were...
1. A Tree Of Some Sort- So that we can plant it all together, and every year they can be happy and remember the great times together all over again. Know what I mean?
2. A Photo Album- Just a photo album with photos from the year in it. The problem with this is that I don't have very many photos, and it will be really difficult to get them form now on...I just don't know how I would fill a whole album. I want to do something with photos, definatly. Any ideas?
3. A Teddybear Or Cushion Of Some Sort- I would buy around about now and love, and take with me everywhere, and then I would leave it on the bed when I leave. It is so that they can have a part of me the whole time, and it also means that I will have to come back to get it again. Two meanings there.
Any other ideas? What do you think of these? I would be thankful if you posted in my guestbook. =D
Have fun in school my chumpos,
Vera was here at 5:15 AM