Vera's World Is A Small World <body>

Vera Elizabeth; 17 years old; Christian; Aussie; Germany's Biggest Fan;
Living The Life For Jesus;

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Emily; Nikki; Hayley; Amber; Ozzie;
Photos From Germany; PostSecret;
Disaster MB; StarGirl; Y.F.U

The Past

May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
September 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
July 2007


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Monday, July 17, 2006


Hi everyone, it's Em and Vera here!! =D

Vera says:
I got up at 3am or something, so that I could go to Hannover airport. It was really early...but surprisingly, it was still light. My family gave me this wonderful t-shirt the night before, and we said goodbye and stuff, then I went through security. I can't believe I just left Germany, and that I am not going back there for a while...I miss everyone already, and I miss German as well. You have no idea how much.

Umm...yea. I got on the flight and there was this freaky guy who looked at me weird. When I landed in England I was
I had to find my way around, which was really easy, but I think I was the only non-European Union person in that whole airport. I swear...
Booked my bus to Birmingham and then fooled around for a while, bought a drink and stuff with POUNDS!! =P They look really cool though, don't you agree Em? (Yes)

The bus ride was really boring...and long. There were these weird guys, one of them was speaking with the driver the whole time, about soccer or something. It was funny, because the got in a "heated discussion" about it.

When I finally got there Em was already standing there, we said hi and stuff and then we went to her Granny's place.

We say: Hi!!
We went out and had lunch, which was subway. It was good...yummy. Then we went and ate ice-cream and sat down in the sun. Yea, we sat aorund for ages talking and then went to Emily's aunt's house, which is in the middle of nowhere. The house is really big,. Em just went to count the rooms, there are 21...and four staircases.It is like a frat house, there are so many guys staying here, like, every night, and we all just get drunk.

There is a german guy here...he is really weird. one funny thing about him, we were watching him eat breakfast one day and he was just sitting there piling the butter on the piece of toast...and he actually ate it. I swear that it was like, half a kilo of butter...which is how much our tub is anyway...he ate all our butter!! We have been through so much butter recently, which James, one of Emily's cousins pointed out this morning, looking at the German guy.

On Wednesday we just chilled out...Vera fell asleep on the trampoline and got really sunburnt. Then on Thursday we went to London, which was great. We travelled there by train and back as well.

In London, we got on the underground and got lost...we were just standing there on the train looking at the map, saying out loud that there isn't actually a Paddington Station on this line. The funny thing was, we were completely calm, although Emily was trying to blame Vera and everything...there was also a lady sitting there laughing at us, even though she was trying not to make it obvious, it really was. Then Vera made crazy claims that Emily was trying was trying to make her look dumb in front of some random lady that we didn't actually know.

We had alot of fun in London, we saw everything but didn't go into anything. On the way back we were really happy...I think the people thought we were idiots or that we were drunk. I don't know which one though yet.

We went and saw a play in Stratford, where Shakespeare was born. We saw Henry VI Part 2, which was really well made, but really long. I can now say, that I saw a Shakespeare play in England though, which will make alot of people jealous.

Apart from that we went and visited some of Emily's family and have been having alot of fun. It has been alot of fun, and everyone here is really funny. We are going shopping tomorrow and have just been folling around in the garden, listening to really loud music. It is great here, because they have no neighbours to annoy.

Last night we went to some Blues Festival in some town near us, and we had a bit to drink, then came home. We didn't have the key to get in though, so Em and I went on the trampoline...Trampolines and Beer are not a good mix. We nearly fell off and stuff, but iot was fun, and neither of us got (seriously) injured.
Then James came and we played some games on it, then Em and James had a cherry fight, and I, sitting innocently on the trampoline, got hit with them and got cherry stains all over a light jumper.

I guess I should go...maybe we will talk again, if not, I will see you at school on Monday, or soon enough. Can't wait to see everyone again!! I miss you all!

P.S. Does Miss Lovell still read my blog? What do you guys reckon? Hi Miss Lovell!! =P

Vera was here at 1:46 AM

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Goodbye Germany!!

The bags are packed, my room is empty and clean. The flights are confirmed and the insurance is valid. I have taken all the pictures I an possibly take, and I have taken the snapshots in my mind. The last bus I ever rid on is gone, and now I am only going to be here, in a car, in the airport or away from Germany. I have said goodbye to all my friends and soon I will be saying goodbye to all my family.

I guess now is the time...
To be honest, I am really excited to be leaving. I think it is time that I move on, although this year was a dream come true. My dream is finished and I have to get on with the real world, but somehow a little part of my dream has slipped into my new life. How could it not?
My life has changed in so many ways, how could I ever stay the same as what I was a year ago? I can't ever imagine living the way I lived a year ago. I couldn't ever be the same person I was a year ago, not after everything.

I guess the end of a year like this is the right time to say thankyou to all the people who have helped me get so far:

First, my host family. My second family.
Ursula, my mother and Christoph my father. They didn't only open up their own home to me, they opened up their lives and hearts for me.
Johannes, who I barely know, Robert, who always helped me whenever I needed some crazy thing, Florian, who has just been there for me the whole time and Carolina, who has turned into a second sister, but also a best friend!
Danke an euch alle!!

My first host family, Nina, Dagmar and Oliver. Without them I wouldn't be here right now either. Thankyou.

My wonderful friends at school.
Annika, with whom I always did some crazy thing in the break, I think I will never forget everything you have done for me- You were always there for me, even if I didn't think so. You were the first person in that class that I talked to, and you were the last person in that class who I talked to.
Klaudia and Karolina, who accepted me for who I am and what I am. You guys are really special, I could only find such friends like you once in a lifetime. You are both rare and amazing, thankyou.
Caroline P, with whom I didn't get on with very well until a few weeks ago, the time was too short when we got on well with each other, and I wish it could have been longer, so I could have got to know you better.
Katrin, you talked to me and were the person on the bus who always came up, smiley and happy chappy, although you were probably dead tired.
Carola, although we haven't known each other for very long, I am so glad that I got to meet you.
Caroline G and Rabea, I will miss you guys alot, and thankyou for all the help and advice over the past few months.

And the other friends who aren't in my class.
Katharina, you are my rock. I didn't get to see oyu very often, but when I did it was a great time. When you go to New Zealand, ring me up, maybe I'll come visit you! I will really miss just blabbering with you all the time.
Eva, thanks for everything. You really are a good clarinet player, and I really hope we will stay in contact. I can't wait until we see each other again.
Anne, where I lived for one week in Braunschweig. I miss you already, and I am thankful that we met each other. I got to know alot of people, things and places in Braunschweig because of you, thankyou for taking the risk of letting me live there for a week.
Wiebke, you are the nicest girl I have ever met, and I am so happy I got to know you. You are really funny and I am going to miss your company at hockey.

Thankyou to all the other people not mentioned here as well. People in my class, in the Jazz Combo, at hockey and the other people who I just got to know from around the place.

To all the wonderful people I met through YFU meetings and things, I am thankful that I ever got to meet you, and I hope we will stay in contact. I can't wait to see you again, if you are ever in the region, give me a buzz. You all mean alot to me. Thankyou, from the bottom of my heart. A big thankyou goes out to Janina as well, the best Betreuerin there ever was!!

To my family at home, I couldn't have done this without you. Mum and Dad, you supported me the whole time. You helped me when there was a problem and you have...just supported me throughout this whole thing, even letting me go.
Alec, Peter and Nina, who have had to put up with a Mum who isn't the normal Mum and who is stressed when she doesn't hear from me. You put up with my crap before the year and now you're going to have to put up with my crap again. Thankyou.

And my wonderful friends at home. I can't name you all, you guys know exactly who you are. You have supported me, listened to me rant and rave about various things. Read my blog and you have all cared about what I have been doing in the past year. You have done numerous amounts of things for me. Like my siblings, you put up with my endless theories and things beofre I left, and you will have to put up with the same stuff again...
You have commented on my blog, sent me emails and been generaly interested what I have been doing. I miss you all and can't wait to see you again, it is only 10 days until I come home. I love all of you and can't wait till we see each other again.

Last but not least, Emily. You have been my absolute rock here in Germany, in Australia and I hope we will continue to be so close, although we haven't actually been "close" in distance this past year. You have always listened to me complain, I h ave listened to you complain. We know what we mean, and I think we will be able to understand each other very well when we get home. You have probably put up with alot on my behalf, and I am thankful that you were always there to help me. I can't wait till we see each less than 20 hours!!

Thankyou everyone who isn't mentioned. Thankyou everyone who is mentioned...I am so grateful for what you have all done for me. I love you all with all of my heart, and I will never forget any of you. Nothing I say will tell you all how thankful I am. Thankyou.

Lots of love, and till we see each other again,

Vera the German. =D

Vera was here at 3:00 AM

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

And All That I Can See, Is Just Another Lemon Tree

I was just listening to that song, and I couldn't think of a title for this post, so I used that. =D

On Sunday I went to Hanover, I played hockey there. It was a great day, although it was really warm!! I had to get up heaps early...for a Sunday, at 9am. Wow. Anyway, then I went to some crazy parking lot and met the people from my hockey team. I travelled with Wiebke (I don't know how you spell it) and some other girl. It was so fun, we sat in the car and ate home grown cherries and were spitting the seeds out all over the highway. It was alot of fun.
We got to the sport place and got changed then played a game. We won 3-0 and I scored a really good goal, I dribbled all the way up the field on my own then when I wa sin the circle, right at the very top, it seemed like all of the people got out of my way and I shot. It was a little bouncy, which was heaos good, and the ball went right into the corner of the was cool. My first goal in Germany. =D

The rest of the day was good as well, we had alot of fun. All the girls on my hockey team are all really nice, it was alot of fun to spend the day with them. We drew one game 1-1 and won one game 6-0 or something, which was really cool.
After it was all over we went was the same fun on the way home as what we had on the way there. I was upset it was over. =(

On Monday I had a really long day at school, but I guess I got through it OK. It was boring and everything...but I guess that's like every other day.
Tuesday I got to sleep in...till 6:40am. Haha. Well, every little bit counts, no? It was great...we got off because it is too warm. We have heat free...I was standing there and looking at the noticeboard when this guy came down and pinned it up...I was the first person in the whole school to find that out, and I just went running and told my whole class. It was so great. We were really sweltering in that room.
Today was OK as well. We got off early as well, because it was too warm. Wow. I!!

Yesterday night I was in the city with Caro and some friends, we were watching the soccer. It was alot of fun, but it is a pity that Germany lost. Against Italy...I really don't like Italy now. First Australia and now Germany. Great! =(
After the game, instead of partying like evryone would have if they had won, we all just went home, a little depressed. It is a pity, really. The whole atmosphere was ruined. By this one game.

Tomorrow and Friday are my last days of school. I am so excited...two more days of school and then I don't have to go anymore!! It's not like school is bad, I mean, it is great, but I just can't wait to come home. I love Germany and everything...but I guess I am just longing for Australia right now. A year is a really long time.

Well...6 days in Germany, 16 days until I come home. But whose counting?? I am, I reckon you guys are all secretly looking forward to it as well.
Till then...I will write again though, I promise.

Vera was here at 5:00 AM

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Sunday, July 02, 2006

10 Days

I have ten days left here in Braunschweig, Germany now. The time has gone so fast, I can't believe that I already have to go home. It is's a weird feeling, and I can't say that often enough. I sit here on the computer, listen to German music and eat jogurt like the Germans do and have a German flag hanging from my window; I can't help but to feel German!
I have the feeling that I have gotten used to this life very well, that it will be weird to come back to the Aussie way of life, just because...I feel so German.
I mean, I look around and I feel German. Yesterday I was in the city just before Germany played. I was wearing a German T-Shirt and I just felt like a German, I fit into the crowd, I wasn't the different one, like I sometimes was before.
Oh well, I guess it has to be done.

Well, I haven't posted since last Thursday...It doesn't feel like so long ago, it feels like yesterday still.
On Friday I stayed at home...I think. It is quite possible.
On Saturday I didn't get to sleep in, I got up because I was invited to go to Wolfenbuettel for a going away party. Dora, who I met in Stralsund and Mouna, who I met here in Braunschweig in February.
I got there quite well, another exchange student came as well. We all went to the park, and after about 30 minutes of having no idea where we should be going we finally found them; I was relieved!
It was a great party and I met some really nice people as well. I got on very well with a girl called Fatma (The name isn't funny!!) and another guy. It is actually a pity that I have to go back to Australia soon, because it would have been nice to have met them more times...

After that we went to the city and watched the soccer, then sat in another park, drunk, you know the deal. We finally got home at about 10pm, after a hard day of walking around the whole town. My feet were dead, it really hurt.
We watched Romeo and Juliet and then we talked for ages, Dora and I. I went to sleep...the bed is really nice. We woke up, fooled around, watched videos and stuff and then I went home. I saw Dora for what was probably the last time in my life, which is quite upsetting.
I guess this year is about learning to let go as well. Like said in one of my earlier posts. To let go of the people, places and things but to never let go of the memories.

The weekend was really warm, it was very nice. =D Wow, LOL. That was my second last week of school here, I just don't believe it. The
The week was normal...I really can't be bothered to write down everything that happened in detail though. Hockey, School, Jazz-Combo, Performances. Everything.

So yesterday were the two big games...Germany vs. Argentina and Eintracht Braunschweig vs. DTV Hannover.
I went and watched the game at hockey, where they have set up a massive projection screen and everything. The atmosphere was just great, the funny thing was that we should have played right after the game, but it went into extra time...then penalty shots. And we played half an hour later because all of the people wanted to watch the game.
I played my first hockey gam in Germany, it was really good. We won 6-1, but I didn't score any goals, I had two chances though.
After the game I came home, and I had to go through the city. As I was walking Those people on the Bohlweg were really partying, and I mean partying. Everyone thought that Germany wouldn't get further, although they all really wanted that, so they were really celebrating. The street was full of people and the roads were one big rubbish bin.

Now I am here. Today I went to the city and bought a few things then I came home. When I was at Bohlweg, I didn't even realise that there was a party there. It was so clean!!

The other thing that happened today is that I saw Johannes for the last time. I didn't even think about it until about 5 minutes before he left, I totally forgot about it. It is really upsetting, but I will be coming back anyway.
It was scary though, because I didn't know what I should do or anything, I can't help but feel that I am totally unprepared for this whole goodbye thing. I have to do that with the rest of my family in 10 days...SHIT!!
OK, yes. Johannes was rarely here and I didn't really get to know him, but it is upsetting to think that I have seen him for the last time, if not for the last time for at least two years...
And I am so unprepared. I didn't know what I should say or anything...I don't know what it is going to be like with the others, who I have learnt to get on with and who I have learnt to love. It is going to be shit hard.

Well, that's how it goes. I haven't really got much more to 10 days I am flying to England. On Saturday is my going away party, and you're all invited!! =P =P I hope to see you all there!!

Well, 20 days and then we will see each other again, I promise I will write again before I leave though.
Much love,

Vera was here at 4:21 AM

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