Vera's World Is A Small World <body>

Vera Elizabeth; 17 years old; Christian; Aussie; Germany's Biggest Fan;
Living The Life For Jesus;

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Emily; Nikki; Hayley; Amber; Ozzie;
Photos From Germany; PostSecret;
Disaster MB; StarGirl; Y.F.U

The Past

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I have been home for over 8 weeks now...It's still really weird to be back in Australia. I am so far away from Germany and I now know that I cannot go back anytime soon...I wish I could go at the drop of a hat, I would be there right now.

I miss Germany, I really miss everything about it. My host-family were the best, and I have no idea how I am living without them...I really miss my host-sister Caro and my host-brother Florian...Florian is in the USA right now, he is going to uni there, and we have talked and stuff too.
My host-family just had a holiday in France, which sounds great.

Hmm...what else? School is OK for those of you who care. It's not like school is hard or anything, but it is just so boring. I don't see the point in having to learn all of the silly thigns that we do, like...I don't know, stuff in Science or Maths, that we are never going to use again anyway. We learn it, remember it for the test and then forget it all again. It is so stupid. WHY??

My friends are all so different...and don't even try to deny it guys. You are all really different, and so am I. It's weird. We seem to be drifitng apart. I know I am.

I am doing work experience in Sydney next week, I so can't wait! I am really looking forward to it, I hope that it is s good as I think it will be. I guess only time will tell.

Well, that's enough for me now. I'm sitting at school and just thought I should update. I am going to try and update more often now....maybe.

Was meint ihr? Soll ich diesen Blog auf Deutsch schreiben? Meine Freunde in Australien braunchen es nicht zu lesen...also, was meint ihr? Soll ich?

OK, I'll write later. Bis bald, have fun, love ya, viel Spass!


Vera was here at 9:10 AM

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