Monday, November 20, 2006
There hasn't been much going on recently...which completly defeats the purpose of me writing this blog...but I feel like writing right now, which is a very rare thing, a very rare thing indeed.
Just an update on the English story, it was due in today. I didn't hand it in. I asked for an extension and the teacher didn't give me any speceific dates, he just said to hand it in ASAP. Hopefully I'll get that writing bug soon...
I started my new job the other day. I love it so much, it's alot of fun, believe it or not. The people are really friendly, and are very caring, and they're easy to talk to. I feel like we get on really well so far, those of them that I have met. They are all really fun. Apart from the people, the shop is the ultimate place to work in because whenever you get bored you can just pick stuff up and start playing with it, and it seems like you're advertising. Well, you are,but it's a way to beat the boredom as well. And it's not particularly hard either.
I haven't played hockey for oh-so-long, which is a shame. I really miss playing it, even though it's only been a week. I guess you could say I really do have the hockey bug...I'm quite obsessed.
I can't explain it, but when I'm on the hockey field I feel free, like I can do anything. I feel like it is where I am supposed to be. It is also a great release and it makes me incredibly happy, which is always a bonus. All the anger and annoyance and anything else that builds up inside of me during the week gets let out on the ball and the opponent. OK, not necessarily a good thing for them, but for me it's great...
Tomorrow I will have been back in the country for four It feels like I have been back for so long...everything is fading away and it feels like it was such a long time ago when I last saw everyone...I miss them.
54, 74, 90, 2006
Dazu stimmen wir alle ein
Mit dem Herz in der Hand und der Leidenschaft im Bein
Werden wir Weltmeister sein...
Vera was here at 4:33 PM
Thursday, November 16, 2006
My week has been pretty crappy so far. I don't know why, I just can't put it into words, but it has just been a really bad week. It's very confusing...
Stuff has just been happening thats been getting me down, but I don't know why. It's really weird, but everything has been getting to me. The problem is I don't know why and I don't know who to go to, or what to do about it.
(Fuer euch, die in Deutschland sind: Ich habe keine, mit denen ich einfach alles sagen kann.)
I went to the school musical last night, it was pretty cool. All of the people in it did so well! That was hilarious, and I loved all of the little ad-ins. =)
My English short story is not progressing. I got over my not-being-able-to-make-plans-ness and just wrote a plan...then I handed in the only copy I had of it. We all know where this is going, don't we?
So, Mr Dunn hands back everyone's story but mine and then I ask him about it. Two days later he tells me he can't find it. I ask him if he had any comments. He says he hasn't read it yet. Great. I am at the biggest disadvantage now. So unfair.
As if I don't hate school enough right now, he has to go and just make it that bit more frustrating, to make it even harder for me. So unfair.
Wow, reading back on this post, it's really depressing. Hmph.
Vera was here at 4:35 PM
Friday, November 10, 2006
Wow, my Outdoor Ed camp was awesome!! It was so much fun, and I think it was not only tiring physically, but also mentally, because of all the fears that you had to overcome, ie. my fear of heights.
First things first, 5am is very, very early to wake up. I think it is amazing stuff when you are up between the hours of 3am and 6am, you feel like the only person on the world. It’s the weirdest feeling. We all got there and found our way though.
High Ropes was the most fun for me, and the most challenging. I was shaking by the time I got up to the starting platform…it just looked so high! I was literally freaking out and because I was shaking, when I started on the ropes, they shook more violently than before. Oh well. I overcame that fear, and although I didn’t go on the highest one, I am still very proud of myself for doing it. I think if I got the chance I would have gone on the high ones to challenge myself. As the instructor said, we were being challenged at different things, high ropes was the height…
Canoeing was great, I got sunburnt and we had a nice swim though. I love anything on the water, so I don’t care.
The night was OK, most of the time we sat around just talking and things, like you do.
6am this time. It was still pretty early, Tina and I were the first ones up and everything felt so weird, because it was all dark and deserted.
With the wake up call, we all got up, weary eyed, and most of us managed to make it out of our rooms too! For those of us who were too tired, we learnt that yelling and lighting are good ways to wake the dead.
Abseiling was pretty lame, if truth be told. It wasn’t that fun, but we had to have trust in ourselves to do it. The hardest part is walking over that first ledge, not knowing what is coming. It is so scary, but once you get over the edge…you get to the bottom and if you are lucky, you escape with minimal amounts of rope burn.
Rock climbing was great. I did a marathon rock climb, where I repetitively went up and down the rock face, without touching the ground. It was great fun. It was good, because there were many walls for all different skill levels, and we were all challenged in some way. Me, it was the height again, and, after a nasty fall at school which resulted in lots of pain and bruising around my chest (don’t ask), it was actually trusting the belay-er again.
Coming home we were all pretty tired. A stopover in Cooma, a meal at Subway and 45 mins later, we were back on the road, destined for Canberra.
So, between this, Mowbray falling on the high ropes course, lots of laughs, jokes and games, badly prepared macaroni and cheese and the numerous amounts of mistakes people made (but were able to laugh at later), I think it is safe to say that the Adventure Sports camp is a really fun one!
Apart from all of this, I got some excellent, embarrassing and incriminating footage to put into my video. *Breaks into evil laughter*
Vera was here at 7:50 PM
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Well...long time no ocean.
I just made this split second decision to go onto my blog and write something.
As I am sitting here, getting ready for Emily's party (mentally...not physically, of course), I am also trying to get that annoying English short story draft/plan done. It just isn't working.
See, for those of you who don't know, I have to write a short story for English, consisting of a setting, conflict/crisis, moral, plot etc etc. It is quite hard and I can't do it. So I asked Mr Dunn, my teacher, and he said he would give me the extension I asked for until Monday. Then he wants to see my plan.
My problem is thus:
I can't write stories with plans. I just get an idea and then I write, and I take the story wherever my emotions take it. My personal emotions and experiences play a big part in my stories.
Now I am being pressured into writing a story and I just can't. Call it writer's block or whatever. But I can't do it and I don't know why not. It's so annoying.
Anyway, this has naturally created a big conflict of the mind. I have been thinking about it all day and it is just getting worse as the day progresses. Maybe I will write a story about someone killing annoying teachers.
I don't want to write anything too...weird, incase he thinks I'm weird for it. I don't want to write a love story, those are the things I despise most, with fantasy stories coming in a close second.
I guess I'll have to get down to it tomorrow...and stick with one idea till the very end.
So, what else has been going on in my life? Not much. I went to my college the other day, to pick subjects and it just felt right. That is where I am suposed to be. I felt like spinning around hugging myself when I stepped out of the car, I was full of this nervous happiness and when I got inside I just started smiling, inside and out. It was a big relief. I can't wait to go there, I am really very excited about it, about everything.
I also played my first hockey game last night. It was great. It felt so nice to be back on the field, with the stick in my hand. I feel so much more confident playing hockey than I do anything else, it's great. It felt great to be sweating all over and to be...I guess maybe this is like a drug addict shooting up, it's like I'm an addict and starting back up again is the best feeling in the world.
The hockey field is where I should be. I love it.
The weather is warming up, Christmas is getting nearer and my new year is approaching. I wonder what I'll be doing this time next year. Partying and studying hard for tests, I presume. I hope it's all I think it will be.
Secretly I can't wait to get away from my current school, friends, and even most of the teachers, who are all crowding me, not giving me my own space the breathe and to think, not giving me my freedom which I so crave.
Myabe I should get ready physically for Em's party now...I have to leave soon and haven't given anything the slightest bit of thought, unless it involves trying to find out ways I could scam off one of my fanfics as a short story, or actually writing one. I'll update about the story situation soon. Don't worry, this isn't the last time you'll hear from me.
Vera was here at 5:56 PM