Saturday, December 30, 2006
I have recently made a startling discovery.
That is, these holidays I do not have, and will not have, a life.
Very sad, I know.
I have spent the last two weeks working like nothing else and the next few weeks everyone else I know is leaving town...or so I think.
(If you're not, give us a shout!!)
I really don't know what I am going to do with myself without a job to go to every other day...maybe I should get another one...
So, tomorrow is New Year's Eve. I am marginally excited...just a little. The New Year means the start of college and a whole new life, really.
New Year's Eve will probably be spent with some friends...don't know where or what yet. It'll be Fi, Nikki and Tina as a definate. Yey. =)
If anyone else wants to come, give us a shout, or invite yourself. =P
I was supposed to be working at the restaurant, but since the owner is away, I have been basically organising the staffing, and I purposely made Peter work. Hehe. But they've made a decision to make it Take-Away only anyway.
Also, meine tolle Freunde aus Deutschland...ich vermisse euch sehr. Anni, es tut mir Leid, dass ich deinen Brief immer noch nicht abgeschickt habe, und danke Caroline, fuer deinen Brief. =)
Ich wuensche euch alles Gute fuer das neue Jahr, und fuer alles anders. Die Leute die die 12. Klasse machen...alles Gute und viel Glueck!
Ich glaube nicht, dass jemand verstehen kann, wie sehr ich euch (und Deutschland ueberhaupt!) vermisse...
Ich hab euch sehr, sehr dolle Lieb!
All the best for the new year guys,Bring on 2007!!
Vera was here at 4:40 PM
Friday, December 29, 2006
I'm on a roll here guys...about five posts and still counting.
I spent Christmas in Melbourne, if anyone couldn't decipher my little code in my last post. (And if you couldn't...)
So, that was pretty cool. The best part was...well. There was no best part. But Christmas morning was cool, because I haven't ever had one like that, like where everyone sits around in their pyjamas, is excited and opens presents. Such things have never existed in my family. And it also hailed overnight, so we woke up to the sound of hail crashing against the window, and we opened the curtains and it may as well have been a white Xmas.
Other than that, we went shopping and hung around alot, which was fun. I also got told all about the creepy people who live next to Nina's house. Weeeeeird. But, you know. And we did it outside, at midnight, which was kind of scary...
Now I'm getting ready to go to the restaurant after a four hour shift at the mall...I may or may not smell very badly like spices, I may or may not have pen all over my shirt and it is quite possible that my work pants will smell even worse by tomorrow night.
But you never know. =P
'Vera's know you want to.'
Vera was here at 5:40 PM
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Twas the night (before the night) before Christmas
And all through the house
Every one was coughing
Even the mouse
The weather has made us all sick
Working all day and night is just a killer
But the holidays are here, never fear!
Everything else is just a stocking-filler
Dear Santa,
I've been a really good girl this year, in case you didn't know. I really hope you're nice to me this year. =)
I am really proud of my straight D's on my year 10 certificate. Did you know, in uni that is really good! I worked really hard for those...
I didn't mean to hurt that man, I just lost control of my foot, it was a spasm, I swear, which made me put the pedal to the metal. Then, get this, simaltaneously I forgot I was holding the steering wheel in both hands and accidentally swerved into him while trying to gesture for him to move. I am really sorry I found out afterwards that it was my maths teacher, I might have tried harder to avoid him.
I don't know why the police have charged me for stalking, I really don't think I was that obsessive, and as for the drunk and disorderly charges...I totally deny the fact I ever rode around on the civic merry-go-round in the nude- It's such a ridiculous thought!
As for the other charges...well, let's not go there, but if you really do see everything Santa...
Peter totally deserved to be punched in the face and hospitalised yesterday, and Alec was just being a poo-head. I really didn't spike the punch at my brother's graduation ceremony, it was just a slight of hand. I'm also really sorry about my sister's computer, it was definatly not my email that put a virus on her computer and ruined all of her files.
So, as you can see, it's been a pretty productive year for me Santa...I'm really proud of what I have done, I hope you are too!
Please come and visit me, I will be staying at *** S******** C** in ****.
And don't forget, I'll be waiting for you in the lounge room... ;)
Lots of love,
Vera was here at 10:53 AM
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I think I'm turning into an insomniac or something, I swear. Maybe it's that vampire part of my bloodline (
Get it? Bloodline!) finally coming back to haunt me...
But seriously, I now feel sorry for people with real insomniac, as I have had a little demo of it, and I think I am glad that there is a chance to try before you buy. I'd rather put it back on the shelf, thanks!
I would tell you little anecdotes and stuff from the (also) infamous workplace...but I wouldn't want to bore you, now would I?
So, instead I will leave you with a little taste of what's coming...
That is, exactly, nothing. I don't really have any clue. That's it. I've racked my brains and nothing comes up. Zilch. Nada.
I guess we'll see.
And he can't understand
How everyone goes on breathing when true love ends
His mother whispers quietly...
Heaven's not a place that you go when you die
It's that moment in life when you actually feel alive
So live for the moment
And take this advice, live by every word
Love is just a hoax so forget anything that you have heard
And live for the moment now
Vera was here at 9:07 PM
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Well, I have succesfully wasted my one and only day off work bumming around the house, sleeping, watching videos and...being incredibly resourceful and going for a massive run on the mountain. (It was kind of hot though.)
Apart from that I have managed to change my layout and put in some new features, like the cool as slide show you can see playing right now, next to this post. There are sixty some-thing pictures. Totally loving the new slide show...
Gosh, I feel like the biggest internet geek right about now. I think I am, actually.
Apart from that, I have probably just about managed to waste all of this month's downloads...which is probably a good thing, considering if I don't do it, someone else will. Might as well be me.
Today Mum and I went to Woden at about 5:30, because she won some random thing and we wanted to pick it up. I love getting free stuff. =)
It's back in to work tomorrow morning, so...I guess I won't be able to sleep the 12 hours I managed to catch up on last night. Bummer.
Trying to think of a cool way to end this post....but it just ain't working...
Adios, suckers.
Vera was here at 9:12 PM
Monday, December 18, 2006
Everything is crap. Gosh, I need a life...that doesn't involve working every single day.
I miss all of my friends from school soo bad...come in and visit me.
(At work)Not even the summer will come soon, it's not summer without the beach, good pool parties or similar. It's not summer when you work every day and you don't even realise how warm it is because you're inside most of the day anyway. It's especially not summer when you know nothign about The Ashes until you see it on the late night news that Australia actually won.
(Since when now?) I'm totally loving being at work and all, but I just want to party with some friends!!
So, all you friends, you- the party animals- lets get some real good house party happening. Like, I'm talking outside all night with good music and karaoke. You know you want to. You know it's tempting. Lets have some fun before we have to get all serious with college again...
Vera was here at 9:42 PM
Sunday, December 17, 2006

'Twould seem like it has been ages since I last posted...
Tja, life's a bitch, aye!
Es tut mir so Leid, fuer die Leute in Deutschland...ich vermisse euch so sehr, und ich habe mit euch seit einer Ewigkeit gar nicht gesprochen!
Since the last time I posted...
I finished year 10, which is pretty cool, I guess. I reckon it's going to be weird, going to college and all, but I really am pretty much ready for it. I was so over high school...don't worry, the people I will miss, but just being there and really started getting to me. Anyway!
Had the formal, kind of over-rated really. The after party got completely ruined by some fuckers who decided to bash everyone on the ovals up for their peeny little bit of alchie-hol. So lame. Really, I want to kill them so much, it ruined our whole night. After everything that happened that night, I don't think many people were in the partying mood. Apart from people spending the night at the cop shop, most people bailed pretty early in the morning.
I have been working so much of late- that is, I'm
actually working...
You may always see me at the mall, but around about now, I actually have reason for it, you know? I'm not just hanging around the mall coz I'm a mall rat...which feels surprisingly good. =)
Work's pretty good right now, I'm having a bit of fun, although I think everyone else thinks I hate it there...I don't though, I swear! It's actually mad fun, and everyone is so nice-such a difference to Michel's!
We had the staff party last night, which was pretty fun, but I felt kind of weird coz I was the youngest there by far... and my self-consciousness does extend to when I am drunk, too.
I felt kind of like I was spoiling their fun by being there, but I don't know...I'm too scared to ask anyone. I have this feeling they were waiting for me to leave or something...but I am just paranoid.
Or am I??While one workplace is getting better, the other one is -of course- deteriorating. This is Murphy's Law. Murphy's Law seems to follow me around like nothing else.
Since Ikram has been gone, everything has been getting really screwed up.
I am ashamed to say that I work there at the moment...and I'm trying to get Peter to do all of my shifts.
It's so horribly disorganised, nothing gets done when it should be, the food isn't that great and it takes forever because the guys are a tad incompetent.
It's only another two weeks before Ikram comes back, but shouldn't be this bad- you wouldn't believe the disorganisation I work with.
We really need some new staff too, we are horrendously understaffed, and half the people we have, exactly three of them, aren't very good at their jobs. When I work with them, I do about three times as much as they do, which is annoying, seeing as I am newer than they are. I hold the place together when I'm there.
OK. /bitch.
I have fallen for someone as well. Don't even bother asking. I'm just so...happy. =)
I'm thinking of a new layout too...I'm getting really bored of this one. It reminds me too much or something. We'll see though. Die Scheiss-Zeiten die ich in Deutschland gehabt habe...wisst ihr?
Und so, fuer euch, meine Freunde ausserhalb Australiens, so zu sagen...
Ich vermisse euch. So sehr. Ich wuerde so gerne zurueck nach Deutschland kehren...Naja, um euch alle zu sehen, mit euch zu lachen und so. Gerade bin ich eigentlich ganz ist aber so schwierig, mich wieder einzuwohnen. Naja. Ich hoere jetzt auf...ihr muesst nicht weggehen!!!
Ich moechte euch so gerne sehen.
Frohe Weihnachten, falls ich bis dann nichts mehr hier rein schreibe.
And next time I'll aim for:
- shorter
- wittier
- less subjects in one post
- better layout
- more pictures etc.
Hehe. Gosh, I am so lame. Merry Xmas
Vera was here at 8:25 PM